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Everything posted by Deielrion

  1. I think I had a similar problem.. I was able to join and leave group, however when my partner queued for arenas, I was unable to join. I left the group and tried to join bgs alone and it wouldn't work. I can't remember what message popped up, though after relogging it still didn't work. Someone on world chat even said that it's permanent and that I'd have to delete my character, but after leaving it over 1-2 days, it ended up working for me.
  2. When chaos bolt hits, it leaves a dot that ticks for however many seconds.. As you can see, the ticks are consistently going for about 13k which isn't anywhere near his 220k hit.
  3. I think you should make another separate thread but this time, you should thank Noneed...
  4. Apparently (on x100, and most likely x10), it is bannable but only if you get reported by someone else. So basically, if someone goes out of their own way to get you banned, but generally an admin won't try to find you. I think FUN is an exception and the reason is probably self-explanatory.. It's a realm for FUN. :3
  5. I don't think there's an elite belt for vicious/ruthless/cataclysmic gear, though I do agree some sets are unfinished.
  6. Only BG which that'll ever happen is Strand of the Ancients. If you do die, you're not entirely useless because you can still take part in the next round. Otherwise, just avoid fighting before the match starts. Though this thread is about the inconsistency of the rules? That, I can't advise you.
  7. ^ On x100 regardless of whether the character has different mounts to you, when you buy it I believe that character's mount collection gets changed to yours so you don't actually get any new mounts. Same story with titles i think but I've been told otherwise, but I lost a few titles on a char I bought. Different story on FUN, though. Characters are very isolated (if that makes sense) so all mounts/titles the character has are kept even after you buy it
  8. I believe you can rename your wtf, interface and cache to WTFOld, InterfaceOld, and CacheOld and it might work or you can just delete your cache. Just make sure you don't delete date .. ever.
  9. Put the item you want TO BE mogged in the first inventory slot (ie where your hearthstone is by default), and the legendary item which you want in the second slot (ie one slot to the right of you first slot) and speak to the new NPC and click the first option. If 20k has been taken from your inventory, your mog was successful. Note: You can use 1 warglaive to mog both main-hand and off-hand, regardless of whether the glaive is the wrong slot.
  10. C-C-C-C-C-C-COMBO-BREAKER. 9000
  11. This turned from being a report to being a contest. You can both either admit that the other is good and just let it go (cause in actual fact, more than 95% of the server has lower rating than you guys). Rating doesn't really matter here cause some skills are broken and if you face abusers, your rating doesn't really reflect your actual skill... hence both of your arguments are nil. I don't really get the state FUN realm is in right now and what these abuses with PvE gear or alt+f4 is.. but I believe you can alt + f4 if you haven't been hit, disappear and reenter the arena alive provided your partner survived which has happened to me when I dc randomly. I don't think that's the case here but is it?
  12. I have a level 80 twink atm but it's in its own guild because I haven't got that much bank space, and I need an entire guild vault for all my mats. Planning on running uld 10 man if you're up for it. Currently in ChilledPeps
  13. It's probably best to request for a bug fix (even though those take time to come about) rather than a report. Dfabel is right, you're posting in the wrong section. It should be in the report section, since it seems you're asking they get punished while following their guidelines which includes screenshots/video(s) of this. Simultaneously, seems like you're requesting for a bug fix. If I were you, I'd make 2 separate threads. 1 about the report (if you insist they stop in arenas), and 1 about the bug. P.S Ooo trash talk comin' hot. P.S.S Alexis Ren is sweet. Is your partner called Jay by any chance?
  14. Transmogs -> Weapons -> Page 11
  15. Can anyone who speaks russian translate this? http://prestige-gaming.ru/tmorph_64_bit_morpher_a_la_evermorph_for_win_x64-t34768.html Best I got.. Free translation from ownedcore with their additions. I decided to release due to lack of public editors models with 64-bit OS. Note that it is only 64-bit support, as there are many alternatives to the 32-bit system. * Updated for patch 6.1.0 19702 (28/02/15) Features: * Nespadayuschy clever morph, ie, can not be disabled by changing the form druid / spikes / Hex etc. * A special morphing races, with support panderenov * Customize the appearance of the race (approx. The face, hairstyle, color, hairstyles etc.) * Morphing mounts * Morphing items * Morphing enchants * Morphing titles (titles) * Morphing animation spells * Free control via in-game commands * The main Lua API for advanced users (approx. Possible mistranslation) Requirements: * Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 (x64) * 64-bit version of WoW (Wow-64.exe) Running: * Downloading the file kuku * Extract to any pleasing to you, place * Run wow * We turn off the client * Open the folder with the unpacked tMorph * Run the file tInject.exe * In the window that appears successful connection plug (if it can be called, lol), this kind of Injection successfull. Press any key to close ... Hit Enter and expand the window with wow * Go for any character, if you have not logged in. In the chat should see this message. * Now you can morph. Note: tMorph will work as long as you do not restart the client. But morphs used to replace race / species clothes will be reset at the rejoining of the character. * Before you start using, we need to clearly understand what the id, what displayId, and what inventryId and where to look. id - stated in reference to the object / spell for example Shadowbolt id 686, Transformation - 118. displayId - without going into details, I will tell where to look. blah blah blah.. EDIT: Just realised it says updated to 6.1, but I'll leave it up here for now. Posting all my findings for now http://hack-wow.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/t-morph-548-mop.html
  16. Yeah Dfabel. You always post so many memes. It's like an addiction. This is an intervention. *intervene* no, but seriously you do post way too many memes.
  17. Wait what? 800k gold is worth 3k bonuses?
  18. Has now been implemented on x100. Not sure about x10, and I don't think it's been implemented on FUN (whether it will be or not). Not sure if there is the 27k Conquest Achiev requirement but since almost everyone gets that achievement as soon as they get any conquest, I don't think it matters. No rating requirement because I was able to speak with the vendor and it seemed I could purchase the set while at 0 rating.
  19. I was told that it's acceptable on FUN realm? Not too sure about x100. I agree with the fact that it does not affect anyone's gameplay whatsoever whether or not their opponents transmog differently. If they want to look feminine, why stop them? On the other hand, it's understandable that they want x100 and x10 to be at least somewhat similar to retail, though I do wish I could mog my blindfold on my DK and get away with it :3
  20. The fact there are actually some people who're saying that these monks are justified to abusing because it's in fact the devs' 'fault' for bad scripting, but abusing is abusing.. I'd like to see this issue dealt with and those who're reported abusing Xuen to have their rating reset or something.. It's especially impossible to win when you can't even kite Xuen, and you can't burst the monk because of karma..
  21. Deielrion

    Roiling Blood

    I've had this problem on numerous occasions, too. I've noticed that you might need to be targeting the person with the dots before using blood boil, or they need to be on equal ground/terrain to you, or it can't handle too many targets. Still not too sure, but I end using pestilence anyway.. It becomes hard to choose between talents when they don't work such as plague leech, and this.
  22. 1. Support the idea, but you among many probably already know that elite gear exists for the exact same purpose, but they haven't added it. Weapon enchant wise, there's already the Bloody Dancing Steel, but I know you play on Fun mainly, correct? Maybe they could just limit requirements to 2.2k rating like they did on retail rather than newcomers being able to buy it. Rather, they could just buy the standard Dancing Steel. The pics that you showed loot pretty sweet, but it should probably stay exclusive to the fun realm.. If I could add, I think it would be pretty awesome to have Muradin and Deathbringer Saurfang's sets from ICC. 4. I have seen some cases like this, but there should always be a mod covering this channel. In any case where the English mod is absent (and maybe his substitute is (if he has one), too), I still think someone should manage the channel regardless of whether they're fluent in English. The guy can just appeal if need be. Plus the mod in your example seems a bit overwhelmed with you.. seems like you confused the hell out of him. However you are right in this situation. Insulting/racism etc is an offense, but you can't condemn the person until they've done it to more than one person, otherwise that one person should just /ignore him. 6. I don't think you'd be able to livestream Pandawow on twitch. If it's a stream accessible from the Pandawow website, then surely there would be a high view-count and it would become apparent that it's not legit wow. I think I've heard twitch has started to shut down and Pserver streams. P.S you were a griev gladiator? holy smokes.. So did you have a higher rating on retail than you do here? o: :O
  23. A lot of you missed this point. I agree that it's hella annoying when it's almost an absolute win and they still try so hard to survive especially healers, but you just have to go with it. Only time I would condone it is when they actually have a chance of winning.
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