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  1. Good to know from where those "skilled rets" come from, bump.
  2. Dmg treshold "to brake cc" was changed in mop (not flawless time of tbc/woltk/cata), retial proofs: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6933875146, http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7763737015 - so they qq even on retial thanks to blizzard.
  3. or simply use /script PetAbandon(), it reset pet skills and maybe other things.
  4. bump You can easly reproduce this bug in 1 vs 1 situations, when You are cced by long period of time the Battle Fatiuge disables after 4-6 seconds or sometimes when You are healer class, its possible to heal without this debuff in pvp if nobody strikes the healer.
  5. Confirmed it is spammable when combined with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=119898/command-demon.
  6. Acodring to changelog http://www.pandawow.ru/en/news/89-Changelog+%233+on+5.4.8+from+11.11.14.html, http://wowpedia.org/Single-Minded_Fury still not working, dont increase weapon / skills dmg by 35 %, also Unshackled Fury dont affect enrage effect - so bump again ;/ Tested on Fun 5.4.8, 2014.11.12
  7. Dhurakan

    Buff stacking

    Ye due this bug fixing some spells is pointless when ppl can stack 30 % spellpower, attack power / 9000 mastery (pala/sham/hunter pet) 3x haste 15 % etc etc. BUMP
  8. Look at weapon speed, many talents have visual bug with haste.
  9. Hi, currently all aura stacks. Mastery from paladin,shaman = 6000 + mage armor 3000 passive mastery and for example 3 x stacked 10 % sp + bugged potion + brust trinket + geared mage can result in few shots and You dont have time to react. I had 100k icelances, 150k barrages with starter gear in arcane spec. Welcome to Pandawow.
  10. QQ more, go to retial. Create more useless threads that something is bugged without formula screenshots ( yeye nobody care to fix it anyway -then stop posting then). Taking everthing such personally? Maybe its time to get a life.
  11. Yes you have prideful without gems/enchants and resil is increased to 80 % with trinket bonus. Lie more.
  12. and why You still spam about bugs of 5.4.2 not related to obt 5.4.8, instead reports for new patch we have flooded forum with usless QQ topics. Devs dont even bother to read this section due unnecessary/invalid threads.
  13. **********Update for OBT 5.4.8**************** Status: Not working Here formulas and changelog: Summons a Treant to assist in the Druid's current combat role for 15 sec. Useable in all shapeshift forms. Balance Casts Wrath for 1930 to 2175 (+ 37.5% of Spell power) Nature damage every 2 sec and will cast Entangling Roots. Feral Melees for (1 + Attack power / 14 * 2 * 0.75 + 1) Physical damage every 2 sec and will cast Entangling Roots. Guardian Melees for [(1 + Attack power / 14 * 2 * 0.75) * 0.2 + 1] Physical damage every 2 sec and will use Taunt. Restoration Heals a nearby injured ally for 3201 to 3779 (+ 32.3% of Spell power) every 2.5 sec and will use Swiftmend. Changes: Hotfix (2013-09-13): "Force of Nature Treant summoned by Restoration Druids should no longer die immediately after casting Swiftmend and Efflorescence." MoP Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Feral: Treant summoned by the Feral version of this talent now deals less melee damage, but will cast [Rake] and [Entangling Roots] on their target instead of [bash]. Guardian: Guardian Druids now gain [Vengeance] when their Treant takes damage. Hotfix (2013-06-05): "Force of Nature should no longer incorrectly cause targets to face the Treant when summoned." Hotfix (2013-05-22): "Balance Treant should be more responsive while chain casting. The global cooldown on their version of Wrath has been reduced to 0.5 seconds, down from 1.5 seconds. Restoration Treant should no longer cause their target to taunt enemies." Hotfix (2013-05-21): "Force of Nature now summons Treants that have 40% of the Druid's health, up from 10%. Balance Druid Treants: Cast time for Wrath has been increased to 2.5 seconds, up from 2.0 seconds, and damage dealt has been increased by 25%." MoP Patch 5.3.0 (2013-05-21): No longer on global cooldown and summons a single Treant. The Treant no longer has a control bar, immediately uses its special abilities on the Druid's current target, and accumulates 1 charge every 20 seconds up to a maximum of 3 charges. Restoration version of the Treant now casts [swiftmend] on the Druid's target when summoned. This version of Swiftmend does not require or consume a heal-over-time effect on the target. MoP Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): The Treants summoned by Force of Nature now deal more damage and healing, and the Force of Nature tooltip will report the capabilities of these summoned pets. MoP Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now available to all specializations as a talent. Cooldown reduced from 3 to 1 min. Can be used in all shapeshift forms and the abilities of the treants varies by specialization.
  14. *************************Updated for OBT 5.4.8******************************************** http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=81236 *************************Updated for OBT 5.4.8********************************************
  15. Date tested : 05-08-2014 Realm: OBT 5.4.8 When it occur?: After using flymaster, in pvp situtations, on battlegrounds for both 32, 64 bit client. Proofs : http://oi62.tinypic.com/2it4zg8.jpg http://oi57.tinypic.com/29uyflh.jpg and error logs (multiple locations): http://textuploader.com/kbwq http://textuploader.com/kbwc http://textuploader.com/kbwm http://textuploader.com/kbwh http://textuploader.com/kbwx http://textuploader.com/kbwg http://textuploader.com/kbwu http://textuploader.com/kbwf http://textuploader.com/kbwp http://textuploader.com/kbwz
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