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Everything posted by Frostshotz

  1. Its not only way to do PvE here.All i do is just pick my other talents for destro lock (burning rush,Archimonde's Darkness) and go PvE.
  2. Why not linking from youtube?Firelands works fine and look what i said:when madness of deathwing gets fixed.Btw didnt u read that i did it with a destro lock?Not with a shaman so i dont have that much heals as u have.And i didnt say that BT is impossible.Why do you complain about it? And about ur first post:wut?I just linked that i want those 2 things fixed because when we all posted on goblin glider and warlock gateway we recieved a 50% fix,so i didnt say anything about flasks,potions(stupid economy 100k a potion) or anything.Ijust said that i want them fixed for PvE and PvP reasons. EDIT:He should look at guild chat?That means either:People must tell him what is everyone typing or he should rejoin guilds 24/7.Oh and to say ur not doing well with guild chat either.
  3. In this guide i will NOT give information on how to complete every quest and every single step,instead ill give information on what doesnt work and some other stuff.(no links-too many) Way number 1:Solo old content!(HEROIC ONLY) Personally this is what i do in my free time when playing wow(or going in borean tundra with allies cuz im horde) Dungeons/raids you would like to solo: 1.ICC-its a huge and very hard raid even for full Grievous people(except for healers and warrs).First boss is Lord Marrowgar-dont use pets or hell bone spike you and youll die.Bloodworms(bdks passive) too.Gunship battle is bugged.LK will knockback u out of the platform and when hes below 80% he will teleport u to middle to knockback u out ,so you will either:have to constantly go back so stairs and face other direction OR have goblin glider but still a disadvantage-2min duration,3min cd! 2.Black Temple-I havent done this in a very,VERY long time if we dont count the runs with twinks(not full runs obviously).You might have a trouble with some gates so better wait for Akama to finish his slow coming to Shade of Akama,then kill Shade of Akama.When you get to Illidan,I suggest bringing a warlock with you,because he needs to set up a gateway to Illidan-gates are closed.Good luck with your legendary weapons. 3.Karazhan-pretty much only for first boss,but DO NOT instant kill him,wait for the guy to come and ride the horse THEN kill him and get the mount.I have not gotten trough any other bosses and im sure that chess event may not work. 4.Tempest Keep-Awesome raid!Al'ar is immune to fire damage(warlocks too)Be ware of the first boss(blood elf which knockbacks you in air) and either: Down her quickly or just get a slow fall potion/class.For Kael'thas Sunstrider i prefer being a very strong class with alot of patience or get a pet for a reason(see next sentence).When downing him,and he flies in air DONT kill him,run away so he can run to you on ground or taunt him with pet and make pet on Follow stance.Good luck with awesome mount. 5.Utgarde Pinnacle-Do this for a mount called Blue Proto-Drake.When the guy with the drake flies,kill the trash he spawns,loot their harpoons and youll get a warning saying:"(boss name) is in range of the harpoons!"(or something like that).Just use them and down him. 6.Sethekk halls-for Anzu or an awesome staff.Just kill everything,go to anzu and loot him(dont insta kill) 7.Firelands-Guide on how to solo here:(not mine) 8.Dragon Soul(WHEN FIXED MADNESS OF DEATHWING):Another guide by Syiler: 9.Molten Bore(no pun intended its really boring)-so just solo it,get some old raiding tiers (Tier1-Tier4) 10.Battle for mount hyjal-First take portal to alliance base(from caverns of time).Then ask Jaina to start.2 waves,nothing to be ware of(after last wave just kill bosses).Same goes for horde for both waves,beware of flying gargoyles or infernals which will spawn in the center(after 2nd wave).And Archimonde.I suggest bringing a pet with you,because he will make you immune to attack and will drain your hp.Drops one of my favourite items-Tracker's Blade and Tempest of Chaos(Cobrak transmog weapons-his armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/cobrak/simple ) Enough with old content(everything was done with 523 destro lock Firechaos) Way 2-Dailies!(not neccesarry low rewards but still remember to do them if bored) 1.Klaxxi Dailies Not working quests: Beneath the Heart of Fear Skeer the Bloodseeker The Poisoned Mind Dark Skies(after bugged ^) Quiet Now(its a quest) Shortcut to Ruin 2.Shado-Pan Dailies(not assault :( ) Not working quests: Running Rampart(how do u scare?) The storm gathers(missing flying stuff) The Motives of the Mantid Riding the storm Challenger's ring quests 3.Order of the Cloud Serpent-just do the quest for mounts altho you can do it on fun. 4.The Tillers-bugged farm,not worth wasting time and some quests for the farm are bugged 5.Golden lotus(coming soon) And finnally I reached the end of my guide(so long) so for the PvE(and PvP) things we need some fixes from abilities items,classes and other stuff. So I beg pandawow so much to fix the following items COMPLETELY( no rage when i use caps lock,just attention): http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=126392/goblin-glider Doesnt give burst and doesnt end when used.(when land should dissappear) http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=111771 No animation especially when its a long distance(cool) So dont argue with me for complaining about a single animation on a spell which all of you may think its not needed,check this post-shorter animation,10/10 and now its fixed http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46914&highlight=heroic+leap EDIT:can't wait for fixes and btw great server pandawow
  4. Server is down-same here!
  5. Panzeriv i did it with you (im Firechaos if ur wondering) and noone got the achievement on second boss (night elfs boss).BTW if you want a lookalike mount of the one from achievement to kill all ally bosses just go to dalaran and get the bear.
  6. Definately needs to be fixed,but if you want gladius to work,you have to go inside the arena BEFORE the enemy team.
  7. Works now!!!So happy,still doesnt give starting burst but Nitro Boosts should fix this!Note:when using Glider better use nitro boosts,then jump and use glider when you start falling.Same with mount. By the way:they forgot to post in their chanelog about the fix.
  8. I guess its a warrior because burst is awesome with avatar+reflects like hell.Definately good class and not nerfed (atleast in my opinion).But there are many noobs that play only with burst,lolstorm combo and at the end either say GG or NOOB.So you should pick a fun class that you like to play like a dk.Warriors are also good with their Double Time fixed now and heroic leap so its like 3 choices to catch you.Beware of cc+burst downs as a warrior,I downed a full griev warrior in 6 sec using Mortal Coil,Burst,Chaos Bolt,Shadowburn.
  9. More than one silence?I dont know if this will stop mages from blocking,but locks have just 1 silence and its from pet Felhunter so i cannot silence again even with Grimoire of Sacrifice.I usually dont have alot of problems with immunities but sometimes gets annoying when you need to kill someone and he just uses 8 sec immunity and your burst is now half-way down.
  10. Hi again.When i tried to silence a mage just so i could burst him down with my chaos bolt,he ice blocked.I was all like "wtf he is silenced???how???".So when pala,mage or any other class are silenced and they can break silence with immunity which can be silenced?Im so confused.But when i was silenced in a 6v1 i couldnt use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=110913/dark-bargain.Why only locks?My fav class now has no immunities and i really want to get palas and mages down with just 1 silence instead waiting for them to use immunity.
  11. Frostshotz

    Rank #1? Idea

    Hi pandawow!Today i thinked about an idea of how to say who is rank 1 (by skill).You should organize an event,where everybody who wants can praticipate (sorry idk how to spell this word).It will randomly place people in 1v1s (or more if u want) and who wins proceeds to the next challenger.But idk how you will handle the op classes with some nerfed ones.In the start players are given 1 min to prepare (buffs,gateway etc.).My idea for the best 1v1 place is Circle of Blood arena in Blade's edge mountains (old blade's edge arena) or just stranglethorn arena.
  12. This addon is not for agility only...It has tracking of buffs/debuffs and shows them when they are ready or popping up.It can use animations (custom or normal),timers and much more. So heres the link: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/power-auras-classic-v4 I personally like it alot. (sorry if double posted i accidentally clicked on Reply to thread when i was gonna post it last time but idk if its posted 2 times)
  13. Hi.When PandaWoW gave us 100 bonus points for their birthday (btw thanks) i spent them for the following items: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=86592/hozen-peace-pipe and http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=95496/shado-pan-assault-insignia.When i used Shado-Pan Assault insignia on my warlock,it boosted me to Friendly as it should be enought to buy trinkets.But when i used Hozen Peace Pipe it got me only to Revered.Now im trying to farm for Hozen Peace Pipe but its getting camped alot so pretty hard to farm.Any ideas why i didnt get to exalted?
  14. Just get http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=104430/enchant-weapon-elemental-force its working,but you can also get your sha crystals back,by spending honor for gear then disenchanting.
  15. Yes,enchants like these or any from enchanting (for example: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=104430/enchant-weapon-elemental-force or http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=74242/enchant-weapon-power-torrent) proc every time/hit but any enchants like http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=104434/enchant-weapon-dancing-steel or http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=84583/formula-enchant-weapon-jade-spirit dont proc.Same with shado-pan assault trinkets:proc every time (rarely for spell casters).So some of them have an icd or just dont proc.
  16. Its actually 8/10 but i really need it on my engineer lock :) makes me the best troll with flag.The second thing is that if you fall while flying forward,and activate glinder it will push you forward a bit but still cant steer in air.I hope it gets fixed
  17. PandaWoW GMs, this spell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=126392/goblin-glider does not work properly.When i try to steer in the air,i cant,because it gives only slow fall.Please fix this. По русский(не все я не русский и не знаю весь язык и пишу с Charmap-ом): http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=126392/goblin-glider это не работает как надо.Когда я летаю,я не могу контролировать.Если вы можете,исправите,пожалуйста. Name in game/Имя в игре:Firechaos (если я не на форуме)
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