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Everything posted by Crazycevap

  1. thats just visual bug nothing more its happened to me every WSG
  2. for what purpose tell me pls becuz i dont see it
  3. I know that u took core from 5.4.2 and just apply it like 5.4.8 becuz i found alot buggs still from 5.4.2 like: still i need to invite 2 times same dude so he can join in party. fast selling bugged your items in bag u need 10 min to sell all stuff from bag. i just saw that u banned some dude that he go throu gate in bg before bg even started and sometimes its happende to me i dont even see the gate on BG. achivement for 150 mounts still dont work and u said that will be fixed on 5.4.2 there is bugg woth 2 seat mount after u go throu portal u need to relog so u can seat on any 2 seat mount. there is just couple of problems i found.
  4. Fun server Zalupadrago and other russian guy Zalupadrago and that other dude which name i cant pronounce they used fly hack and fly over arena and killing us that zalupadrago fly so high and fast that we even didnt SS him but we did this lock http://imgur.com/yMPnlwr
  5. Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=13864 Description: Infuses the target with vitality, increasing Stamina by 10% for 1 hour. If the target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected. How its work: when i cast PW: fortitude only my party get buff not all in raid. Im not sure is some1 reported that but here is now. Thx
  6. Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=21562 Description: Infuses the target with vitality, increasing Stamina by 10% for 1 hour. If the target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected. How its work: when i cast PW: fortitude only my party get buff not all in raid. Im not sure is some1 reported that but here is now. Thx
  7. i tryed storm gauntlet and its only deal 55 lightning dmg per hit so its nothing
  8. its happened almost every arena guys try to fix that ASAP
  9. login on other char then go back i had same problem
  10. I made new priest and when i come online with that priest when i tryed to attack some1 its say invaid target what to do?
  11. but still some1 need to check that he was banned befor becuz of that
  12. my cousing do same spam and he stil cant deal that dmg not even close
  13. then how he do that dmg explain
  14. This dude warlololo.... have some dmg hack he use rain of fire in BG and he kill us all this is couple SS i took and look that dmg he had on end. http://imgur.com/a/UxXNf
  15. For some reason all items from black market which starting prise is 420k gold i cant bid on any of them is that bug or what?
  16. thx dude i was thinking that some abuse becuz i never do that and im not sure why
  17. right now i arena some priest cast spells when he is feared check SS http://i.imgur.com/RiN2aX9.jpg
  18. For some reason i cant loggin on x100 what is going on?
  19. dude im kinda drunk as fuck and i dont even care what did u say and i didnt eve read it becuz u are just trying to be smart and thats not good for u dude so go somewhere fuck i dont know where :D
  20. finally some1 smart thx god
  21. are u fucking blind did u ever die after heal?
  22. first did u ever try to speak language that u never learning? i bet u didnt so dont speak to me that shit if u understand what i want to say its ok if u dont shut up and still its not ok to cause lagg on server is he GM or just chat moderator
  23. he cousing lagg on server is that GM do ?
  24. im not sure what u wrote down there i dont know is he or not and i dont care but still cousing lagg on server so is that ok?
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