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Everything posted by Leandro911
1. Lorewalker's Map - http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=87549/lorewalkers-map 2. This item doesn't work at all. 3. When you use this item, all archaeology digsites in pandaria should be randomized. 4. 10.09.2015 5. x10 6. 8/10 - I guess this should be of high priority because some people have issues with the digsites. Some of the digsites are bugged and can't be cleared. If 4 digsites are bugged, you can't do archaeology on that character anymore until digsites resets.
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It's not a bug, it's supposed to work like that.
It doesn't. I tested it too this week. The quest is not working at all
This will not be solved, because its not bugged and its not pandawow's problem if you can't get one achievement.
Yes they can.
This achievement IS WORKING. :)
Alright =) http://i.imgur.com/YfmUEkk.jpg
That achievement is NOOOOOOOOOOT BUGGED. stop making useless posts like this, i have hail to the chef on my account, got few months ago, and it is not bugged.
1. Spirits of the Water - http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29894/spirits-of-the-water 2. This quest is bugged because the npc you should talk to start the event just say 'Greetings'. 3. After you pick up the quest, you should go talk to Elder Lusshan (http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=54960/elder-lusshan) to start the ceremony. After that, you just have to watch the ceremony and the quest will complete. 4. 25.Jun.2015 5. x10 6. 5/10 This quest counts for Waterspeaking Ceremony objective of Upjade Complete achievement - http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=6300/upjade-complete
1. Going on the Offensive - http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=30363/going-on-the-offensive 2. This quest doesn't work because there is no mob to drop the required quest item. 3. There should be a NPC where u should get the report to complete the quest. There is very little information about this quest and the npc on wowhead.com - But I've found a video showing how this quest should work: 4. 25.Jun.2015 5. x10 6 5/10 This quest is the first of a chainquest that is required for this achievement: http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=6535/mighty-roamin-krasaranger .
1. Immortality? - http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=30348/immortality 2. This quest doesn't work because there is no event to complete the quest, or npc/objective to kill to get the credit for the quest. 3. You need to watch the Lorekeeper Vaeldrin (http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=58745/lorekeeper-vaeldrin) to perform a ritual, so after that it would complete the quest. Here is a short video showing how it should work: 4. 25.Jun.2015 5. x10 6. 5/10 This quest counts for the objective "The Incursion" from the achievement Mighty Roamin' Krasaranger - http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=6535/mighty-roamin-krasaranger .
1. The Jade Serpent - http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=30000/the-jade-serpent 2. This quest can't be completed. There is no objective to kill, no npc to interact, and the NPC to turn in the quest doesn't exist. 3. After you pick up the quest, a big heavenly jade serpent should appear and talk to you, completing your quest objective. After that, you should look for this NPC - http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=57242/elder-sage-wind-yi - to turn in the quest. 4. 25.Jun.2015 5. x10 6. 5/10 - This quest counts for: - http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=6300/upjade-complete - http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=6534/upjade-complete Both for "The Temple of the Jade Serpent" achievement objective.
Well, i got the Ghostlands Quests achievement on 21.Feb.2015. I don't know if it is still working, but probably yes.
I've made the desecrate achievements last year, so I don't know which ones works now. But seems like bonfires aren't working this year.
1. 小野寺 2. x10 3. This dude has some alt code unreadable name. As far as I know, it is forbidden. Check Pandawow Rules, Criteria for Ban, topic 2.1 4. http://i.imgur.com/SqssZu0.jpg
I don' know where else to make a report for the festival, so I'll make on the achievements section. There are a few achievements bugged that are required for the Flame Warden/Keeper title. Here they are: 1. Burning Hot Pole Dance - http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=271/burning-hot-pole-dance 2. This achievement is bugged, the burning hot pole dance doesn't work. 3. You should equip these 3 items - http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=23324/mantle-of-the-fire-festival | http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=34685/vestment-of-summer | http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=34683/sandals-of-summer - and then clic on the burning hot pole dance. You should start to spin like a whirlwind, and if you do that for 60 seconds, you should get the achievement. 4. 21. Jun. 2015 5. x10 6. 9/10 It's once a year, the event is already running, so high priority. -- 1. King of the Fire Festival - http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=1145/king-of-the-fire-festival 2. This achievement is bugged because the quest to complete it doesn't exist. This is the quest that gives the achievement: http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=9339/a-thiefs-reward. 3. After you complete the other quests to steal the enemy's flame, A Thief's Reward should be available. 4. 21. Jun. 2015 5. x10 6. 9/10 *This achievement is for both factions, but the quests that lead to A Thief's Reward are different for Horde and Alliance. For the Alliance, there are two quests auto-complete: Thunder Bluff and Undercity. The other two don't work. For the Horde, all quests are auto-complete, but A Thief's Reward doesn't show up after you complete the others. -- 1. Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms (Horde) - http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=1031/extinguishing-eastern-kingdoms 2. This achievement can't be obtained because there are two bonfires bugged with no quests on it to count towards the achievement. The bonfires bugged are in Hinterlands and Arathi Highlands. 3. You should be able to pick up a quest in the alliance bonfire to extinguish it's fire and count towards the achievement. 4. 21. Jun. 2015 5. x10 6. 9/10 -- 1. Torch Juggler - http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=272/torch-juggler 2. The torchs doesn't work, you click them and nothing happens. 3. When you click on a torch to use it, it should fly in the air and come back to your bag. After doing that, in Dalaran, 40 times in 15 seconds, you should get the achievement. 4. 21. Jun. 2015 5. x10 6. 9/10 -- 1. Pandaria's Bonfires. Flame Keeper/Warden of Pandaria, Extinguishing Pandaria - http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8045/flame-warden-of-pandaria | http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8044/flame-keeper-of-pandaria | http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8043/extinguishing-pandaria | http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8043/extinguishing-pandaria 2. All these achievements are bugged, because there is none of the bonfires in pandaria. 3. There should be NPCs, Bonfires and quests for Midsummer in every Pandaria zone, like Dread Wastes, Valley of the Four Winds, and others. 4. 21. Jun. 2015 5. x10 6. 9/10 So, those are all the bugs i've found about the Midsummer Event, pretty much the same bugs of the last year. Hope they get fixed this time. :) If someone finds one of these achievements working, please reply here :) So I can edit the post. Thanks in advance.
The blacksmith quest is missing, and the cooking quest is bugged. This is the blacksmith quest: http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29508/baby-needs-two-pair-of-shoes And this is the cooking quest that is bugged: http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29509/putting-the-crunch-in-the-frog And there are three artifacts missing. The PvP artifacts: - http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=71951/banner-of-the-fallen - http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=71953/fallen-adventurers-journal - http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=71952/captured-insignia
Jumping from the airships isn't abuse. Entering the boss room while the door is closed is abuse and is bannable. Ask first if you don't know before starting insulting people in the forums.
This is not a valid report, since the dungeon does work and can be completed. The last boss gives achievement and loot, both on heroic and normal difficulties. Maybe if you kill him too fast, he won't summon the Avatar. Anyway, this post is pointless because the dungeon works.
Quest still bugged. Tested on x10 on 30.May.2015.
Same happens on x10, Hour of Twilight is closed and can't be done, not even if you did the chain quest to unlock HoT and Well of Eternity.
1. Gleaming Crane Statue - http://www.db.pandawow.me?object=220903/gleaming-crane-statue 2. When you interact with the statue, you receive a "Greetings" message and nothing happens. 3. After you get the http://www.db.pandawow.me?object=220901/gleaming-treasure-chest and http://www.db.pandawow.me?object=220902/rope-bound-treasure-chest , you should be able to interact with the Gleaming Crane Statue to receive a buff that allows you to fly for a short time to reach the last chest, which is in a disc floating in the air. It's the only way to get to the chest. 4. x10 5. 27.May.2015 6. 5/10 This statue allows you to get the last chest for the achievement http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8726/extreme-treasure-hunter#comments
Posseidus is not missing.
1. Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms - http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=1676/loremaster-of-eastern-kingdoms 2. The achievement doesn't complete if you have all the requisites for it. 3. After you complete all the quest achievements of Eastern Kingdoms, you should get the achievement. 4. x10 5. 27.May.2015 6. 5/10 P.S.: The NPC (achievement fixer) in dalaran doesn't fix this achievement. Here is a screenshot showing the details of the problem: http://i.imgur.com/RoHpewW.jpg