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Everything posted by Zeox

  1. We've already started work on it. I think we will start creating new project in some months.
  2. Okay, we've already checked all logs and information is published here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=170842&p=1136009&viewfull=1#post1136009 As i have promised, we have immediately started after season end. And it took 1 day of our work. :)
  3. Results of 3rd arena season. We have checked arena logs for 3rd arena season and we're ready to publish results. Season start: 29.02.2016 Season end: 01.07.2016 Minimum rating: 2400 in 2х2, or not less then 2000 in 3х3. 2х2 3х3 Disqualified Bonuses already given to accounts and mounts are sent by ingame mail. Titles will be given by GMs of your realm, for this you need to send a message to your GM and agree on the time (you must be in the game). Game masters FUN: Shadrissa, Kofeek, Neff. Game masters х100: Shadrissa, Зилиус, Locative.
  4. Итоги 3го сезона. Были обработаны логи арены за 3й сезон и мы готовы подвести итоги. Старт сезона: 29.02.2016 Конец сезона: 01.07.2016 Минимальный рейтинг: 2400 в 2х2, или не ниже 2000 в 3х3. 2х2 3х3 Дисквалифицированные Бонусы уже зачислены на аккаунты перечисленных игроков, а маунты отправлены по почте. Награды в виде званий выдаются ГМами реалма, для этого вам нужно списаться с ними и договориться о времени выдачи (вы должны быть в игре). Игровые мастера FUN: Shadrissa, Kofeek, Neff. Игровые мастера х100: Shadrissa, Зилиус, Locative.
  5. Nope, even don't think about this, first we need finish current..
  6. Stop linking me bugs. I've already said. Until we won't fix what i've said, we won't start others.
  7. About bugs, 2 from the list are fixed: Problems with parry - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157497&page=7&p=1134779&viewfull=1#post1134779 Arena bug with dodging - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=176999&p=1134781&viewfull=1#post1134781
  8. Zeox

    Arena bug

    Fixed, will be applied after update.
  9. Fixed, will be applied after update.
  10. Today is the last day of the season, i am remember about this, don't worry. :)
  11. If i see one more time how you insult Neff, or if you continue creating new characters to loose random players on 3s arena, you will be disqualified from this season.
  12. First is already added, second not, maybe in the future. Because now i can't change current TODO list, dev has started working on it from today morning.
  13. These 3 bugs added to TODO list. About pathfinding - okay, i'll ask Juster about this tomorrow.
  14. Oh, yeah, it works just on arenas/BG, as i know. Yes?
  15. This bug will be fixed in the nearest future, don't worry. Even with this dodge your rating will be decreased.
  16. Pathfinding works, isn't it?
  17. Ok, i've checked it. No problems, glad to see that someone like my job.
  18. I will start it in the 1st day of season ending, i don't know how much time i will need, but it will be 100% not longer than one week. Okay, they all are added, but for 4th - i don't think that it will be fixed, because it's random bug, can't be reproduced. Dev will try, but idk. It can be fixed just via full rewrite of Gate scripts, they 're not easy and have many lines, so atm we can't do that. Anyway, dev will try, as i've already said.
  19. Okay, link 2 reports for destro and 2 reports for demonology warlocks, i'll add them, because i'm agree with you.
  20. Already posted on previous page.
  21. 1. Yeah , and you could wait for it 2-3 months more, if i hadn't did it. 2. Nope, it wouldn't, we'd ended it last month, without players offer. 3. I'm here, and i'm talking with you, and today i've fixed heroic s15 vendor because english players have written about it. 4. It's TODO list, DONE list you can read in changelogs. 5. My attitude? You're funny, but ok.
  22. Next time will be fixed more warlocks bugs, can't fix all bugs per one time.
  23. I think it's better to post it on wowcircle.
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