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Everything posted by Zeox

  1. Сделал.
  2. Topic is closed. If you will continue talk in that way, i'll ban you.
  3. Doesn't matter ,as i've already said:
  4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=220
  5. Okay, i'm agree. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=170842&p=1112323&viewfull=1#post1112323
  6. After players request, we have decided to extend the season to 01.07.2016, because in the last time we have fixed many critical bugs.
  7. По просьбе игроков было принято решение продлить сезон до 01.07.2016, так как за последнее время было исправлено множество критических багов.
  8. This time (for 3rd season) i will handle it by myself. So you will receive titles,mounts etc in the nearest time after season ending.
  9. Смс провайдер сообщил, что наблюдаются проблемы с пятницы. Не доставляются смс на мегафон (по их словам). Ожидаем решения проблемы на их стороне.
  10. Topic is closed. We reset cap manually.
  11. Okay, today in the morning we had an update. But changelog will be in the ~13th of June, as Juster has said. Because he write changelog one per 2 months.
  12. Сообщили о проблеме в тех. поддержку SMS сервиса. Ожидаем ответа.
  13. I've already added this bug into TODO list.
  14. It is hard and long process. We need to check many pages from our repositories (usually it's more then 300 commits per month), translate from english to russian because all commits description in english and just after that start making it.
  15. We just have finished our working day, and we decided to update the server in some days. After that we will write changelog include new updates. Don't afraid i remember about this. :) P.S. to write changelog we need to spend the whole working day, it is not so easy as you think.
  16. I'll check crashlogs.
  17. Okay, Juster said me today, that at the moment he has another problems, but he will try to do that in thurday. Anyway, i will remind him about changelog in some days. :)
  18. About spell reflect - it's blizzlike. About changelog - i will ask Juster about this today, because changelogs - his work.
  19. Topic is closed. I've said many times. That it won't be changed.
  20. If i see something like this one more time, you will get banned. Image is deleted.
  21. Да, выдается на аккаунт, но когда персонаж удален, он не относится ни к какому аккаунту, соответственно выдать вознаграждение невозможно. А насчет того что "кто-то удалил", по логам как минимум у 5х людей есть доступ к аккаунту, после такого, какие вопросы могут быть.
  22. Это вина администрации? - Нет! Какие претензии могут быть?
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