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Everything posted by Zeox

  1. Do you have any proofs that show it shouldn't be interrupted ?
  2. Well, I've checked IP logs and Stelyaxz has never had IP written in chat. Report is fake, closed.
  3. For PVE we have x100, don't want to decrease x100 population even more.
  4. Нет, этого делать не будем.
  5. Your girlfriend nickname?
  6. Не так быстро, это не совсем просто в реализации. Пока не могу сказать сроки.
  7. Конечно.
  8. Получается так.
  9. Yes, but what's the goal to use it on Fun? Since all actual raids are closed. It's mainly designed for x100.
  10. [spoiler=Русский] Здравствуйте, Уважаемые Игроки. Буквально вчера меня посетила идея реализовать PVE спектатора. Для чего он нужен? Вы сможете наблюдать за тем, как другие игроки проходят рейды. Какую он будет содержать? Название рейда, количество игроков, а так же планируется реализовать отображение названия гильдии (если это рейдовый поход). В чем особенность? Благодаря этому любой желающий сможет наблюдать за тем, как другие убивают боссов в той же Осаде Оргриммара. - Более гильдии не смогут убивать боссов с помощью багов, так как в любой момент за ними могут наблюдать и снимать на видео, после чего оформить жалобу на форуме, а по итогу будут удалены вещи, а так же забанены аккаунты тем, кто использовал баги. - Если у вас нету опыта в PVE, но вы хотите научиться, у вас будет возможность принять пассивное участие в убийстве боссов любого рейда лучшими игроками сервера. - Ну и в конце концов, если вам просто скучно, вы сможете тем самым убить своё время. :) Комментируем, голосуем. [spoiler=English] Hello, Dear Players. Yesterday I decided to implement PVE spectator. Why we need it? You will be able to spectate how other players go to raids. What information it will contain? Raid name, amount of players, also I plan to add Guild Name (if it's guild raiding). What's special about? Thanks to this, everyone can watch how others kill bosses, for example in Siege of Orgrimmar. - Guilds won't be able to kill bosses with bugs, because at any time they can be watched and recorded on video, then they will be reported on the forum, and as a result items will be deleted and accounts will be banned. - If you don't have experience in PVE, but you want to learn, you will have the opportunity to take a passive part in killing bosses of any raid by the best players on the server. - Well, in the end, if you are simply bored, you can thereby kill your time. :) Comment, vote.
  11. Zeox


    He is here, always, just don't talk to community now. He is working on other things.
  12. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=222368&page=5&p=1332609&viewfull=1#post1332609
  13. Забанен.
  14. Yes, he might has used software to DDOS in the past, but I don't see any 100% proofs here that he want to DDOS someone. I don't know how he wanted to "take care of rest". But anyway, on the other side I see that his main goal was to help "The Vezir" to avoid DDOS. Seems it's good, not bad, to help someone protect himself. Closed.
  15. Done.
  16. Done.
  17. Zeox


    I didn't want to answer, because It won't change anything, some of you are trolling, some of you've left server a lot of time ago and just making drama on forum, a lot of people write that they've been fired only because of messages to Toni, but not at all, seems you don't know about real reasons and don't read my messages. Repitchx: http://i.imgur.com/CPhj7y1.png I've offered him to say sorry to Deadmouse for his words or in other way he will be removed from QA team. He didn't. + Asked to create a Fun server on another project Milorad: http://screenshot.ru/a2afbc509a6d8470dd3103aef3c37d7d.png No comments. + Supported the request to create a Fun server on another project Noneedholy: http://screenshot.ru/fba2e5e6084bdc42b4874c342a9a2ca6.png + A lot of topics about usebug , with many proofs, also wintrading, also I read that he had been selling PQR or something like that, but as I know it was a lot of time ago, so that's not a reason. + Supported the request to create a Fun server on another project Autschbatsch: To be honest I don't remember nothing bad about him , but he was "with them" enjoying an idea of Fun on another project. So I've decided to remove him from QA team. Maybe he even will be able to join back, I haven't decided yet. But, even after all I've written: http://screenshot.ru/542daec85bee775567ee78605f2814b1.png My tomorrows message in Skype in QA members : http://dl4.joxi.net/drive/2017/07/18/0021/2038/1439734/34/eb61b86d93.png About professionalism of current QA team. They are not the best players in the world, they don't know many things about mechanics/ bugs etc, yes. BUT: they want to HELP our project. Yes, they are not ideal, but give them some time and they will have more experience to make all good. If some of users from this topic know how something should work better than they, why you didn't send an application to be a part of QA team? I've even added a salary, to give you some stimulus to join us, but you still don't want? Yeah, sure, it's better to spam on the forum and write how bad everyone except you. So, in the sum, they want to help, they want to study, they do it because they WANT, not because I've asked or someone else, for me it's the main. Small fact. Deadmouse was a 0 in developing when he started, but he wanted to help the project. After some months of studying I can say that he is a good developer that now work everyday on bug reports and fix some issue. He is a genius? I don't think so. He wanted, that's all. After all. If you want to leave pandawow, do it. If you want to enjoy other servers, do it. I don't want to see players who are writing everyday that pandawow team doesn't fix stuffs or etc. We had been working on new WEB a lot, you had been writing that we will never release it? We did. Yes, it have some bugs, we're on it, don't worry, we will fix them. You can say that we don't, but at least we have fixed not less then 100 bugs after release and added some features such as Guild armory, stream page etc. You asked for QA? We did. You asked for new arena season? We did. You asked about changing criterias for titles? We did. You say we don't fix bugs? In the last week devs have done 60 commits with bug fixes. We've added transmog vendors on Fun, we've updated Spectator, we've added 1x1 wargame. I know that still A LOT OF THINGS must be fixed, but we're on them. Returning back to cross server after disconnect? In process and a lot of other bugs too. But some of them are not so easy as you think. Also I'm trying to start good advertisement company , but still looking for a moviemaker that will make good promo for pwow. We've started transfer from other servers to increase population. I'm thinking about a promotion where you can have free horde transfer on Fun server, because we have a lot of alliance players, but horde population is week. In the end You always judge pandawow team, administrators, gms, moderators, now even QA team, if you think it's so easy - make your server and we will see. I'm tired because of everyday drama on the forum. Now I won't be so loyal to English community. I've tried to be a part of it, listen to your opinion, fixing things that you want etc. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=199096 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=195506 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194518 etc. But now I see, there are no way to get a respect from you. Yeah, there are some good people that are thanking us for our job and respect it, thank you for your support! But the rest (as I said that even don't play here now) always write bad things. Just leave our forum, please, and from that moment I will start helping you with that decision. And after I won't worry if you go to another project, ask them to create fun, write that pandawow is dead or something like that, I will be happy that such dead people left our project. Topic is closed.
  18. Repitchx, you are drunk, go home and sleep.
  19. Zeox


    1. No. 2. We will upgrade them later, but not the price part. 3. Show me examples, I don't understand what it should be. 4. Impossible without modifying client, we won't do it.
  20. Zeox


    I'm don't care who you are, for me you are a pandawow player, not more and not less, remember this. So say if you want, or leave it if you don't.
  21. Zeox


    Also now I see that we must change season conditions, but I will think about it later, in the end of the next month, when current season will end.
  22. Будет исправлено после обновления.
  23. Просто не пишем списки. Может чуть позже сделаем. Работа ведется постоянно, научитесь следить за разделом исправлений. Последнее обновление сервера было в пятницу.
  24. Телефон к аккаунту прикреплен? Если да - попробуйте сделать тоже самое через подтверждение по телефону. Если нет - присылайте доказательства того, что это ваш аккаунт, логин аккаунта, ваш IP, почту, на которую был зарегистрирован аккаунт, когда, примерно, он был зарегистрирован, какие персонажи есть на аккаунте. Желательно это всё написать в ЛС.
  25. Вопросы к администрации - Жалобы на пользователей форума - 2.16 Не припомню чтобы вы были в составе администрации. Забанен.
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