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Everything posted by Zeox

  1. Zeox

    haste for ghoul

    For hunters yes, except haste auras, it doesn't benefit from them at all.
  2. Zeox

    haste for ghoul

    Yes, i am on it atm. But, as i see, the same problem with hunter pets. They scale with haste from hunter items, but doesn't scale with auras that give haste. Also it's not dynamic, it's calculated only when you call your pet. So it's global bug.
  3. Still in proccess. 90% of all control panel are done, at the moment working on Armory page & PVP arena history.
  4. Zeox

    haste for ghoul

    Here i fixed only Energy regen.
  5. Zeox

    Throw bug

    Fixed, will be applied after update. Last time i forgot to apply fix.
  6. Zeox

    Heroic Leap :(

    Fixed, will be applied after update.
  7. Declined, fake report.
  8. Enabled.
  9. Yes, it is.
  10. From today we have one new developer that will work on PVP bugs (spells, talents, mechanics, glyphs etc) - DeadMouse. On days he will start working on bug reports from the forum.
  11. Думаю совсем скоро.
  12. Так и должно быть.
  13. На текущий момент переноса персонажей с других серверов нету, но в ближайшее время я планирую вновь активировать возможность трансфера.
  14. Fixed, will be applied after update.
  15. Fixed, will be applied after update.
  16. Fake report. It works.
  17. Zeox


    Fixed, will be applied after update.
  18. Was fixed a lot of time ago.
  19. Declined.
  20. Declined.
  21. Zeox

    Ice block bug

    Fixed, will be applied after update.
  22. Fixed, will be applied after update.
  23. Zeox

    Broken pally bug

    Fixed, will be applied after update.
  24. Fixed, will be applied after update.
  25. Fixed, will be applied after update.
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