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Mako Mori

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Everything posted by Mako Mori

  1. Just wondering if the mount http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=109013/reins-of-the-dread-raven is on the item shop. I want to buy it, but I can't find it. This is a 5.4.7 mount and since this is a 5.4.8 server, I think it should be in the itemshop.
  2. What's that AT server everyone's talking about? never heard of it until now, I'm curious.
  3. +1. Pvp gets boring quickly, the lack of pve mop content made me go back to 5.0.5 servers. I don't see the point in patching just to introduce new, better pvp gear. And it's been a while since the last changelog. No working rdfs or scenarios. Nothing else to do but qq for rbgs, arenas, duel random ppl and raid faction cities. I got tired of that.
  4. I'm not stacking mastery(even though arcane reforger won't let me reforge some gear pieces) What I'm asking is if someone's noticed any change. I used to get procs of both talents more often when I was wearing ilvl 408 greens than now that I have better gear and more haste.
  5. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=107907/glyph-of-shadow 2. Description of the problem. When using this glyph while the priest is in shadowform, shadowform takes the intended transparent look, but if you get out of shadowform by canceling the aura or casting a holy spell like flash heal/binding heal, shadowform is cancelled but the visual effect from the unglyphed shadowform remains(black visual). So when using this glyph, shadowform visual is transparent and unshadowform visual is the normal(unglyphed) shadowform look. 3.How it must work. Transparent visual effect when in shadowform, plain looks of the character when out of shadowform instead of the black effect visual. 4.Date when you tested it. 09/07/2014 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), 100x 6.Priority of the problem. 1/10 Note: It can be fixed if the glyph is removed and player relogs afterwards, but it's gonna happen again, glitches everytime. Another minor visual bug. I'm just reporting it cause it pisses me off and I'm a sucker for cosmetic glyphs, lol.
  6. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=57985/glyph-of-shadow-ravens 2. Description of the problem. It works. problem with this is that when caster gains 3 shadow orbs the visual bugs out and it's gone. It works as intended when 1 or 2 shadow orbs are active. 3 shadow orbs buff breaks the visual. 3.How it must work. Shadow Orbs now appear as Shadow Ravens. Description is as simple as the tooltip says. No matter the number of shadow orbs, the visual effect should persist. 4.Date when you tested it. 9/07/2014 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun): 100x 6.Priority of the problem. 1/10 Notes: Minor visual bug, seems close to being completely fixed.
  7. Is it working in panda wow? When mastery procs and dots deal twice their damage, there's a double chance to proc http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=109186 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=109175. I can't tell if my dots can deal double damage but I used to see higher procs from those 2 talents I've just mentioned. That's changed, I've seen fewer procs now, don't know what's changed. I've been thinking maybe latest server restarts have something to do with this but I can't say anything for sure. I'd just like to know from a trustworthy person whether or not spriest mastery is bugged.
  8. Just wish at least rdf and dungeons work in a doable way(the mop ones) pvp gets boring for me after the 4th, 5th bg then I just feel like facerolling through a heroic max level dungeon, just cause it's different.
  9. mala suerte, solo juego en el 100x, dificil hallar gente interesada en pve. ya me rendi, solo hago pvp ahora :(
  10. I'm hoping staff consider creating an international realm(pvp or pve, don't care much about that now) just because we definitely, at least I do, have a communication problem with ppl in this server. To ppl who are used to making pre-mades rbgs, this may not be an issue, but for those like me, casual player who is used to pugging everything, having over half your bg team speaking russian, without having a single clue about what they're saying or what you're trying to tell them, is despairing at times. I feel excluded and useless since I'm not sure whether they're just bitching or have an actual tactic. International realm doesn't mean it's gonna be a realm full of native english speaker but at least you get to play with ppl who have a decent enough grasp at english language to be able to work as a team. I was wishing for a pve realm but truth is pve here doesn't go beyond transmog/mount runs. I haven't done a single mop raid yet, or trash farm for rep or epic drops. Oh, and rdf is broken. Only thing that ever pops is Stormstout Brewery and gates of the setting sun. Stormstout Brewery has aweful LoS bugs and Gates of the setting sun has only one 1 boss available. Finishing Stormstout Brewery doesn't even grant justice points. Zul'aman farms are the best way to get them and they're only useful to get stuff to transmog cause who needs pve gear in a pvp server with broken pve?
  11. 4 pieces set bonus for shadow priest pvp set is: "When your Vampiric Touch is dispelled, the dispeller is instantly feared in horror for 3 sec." I'm wondering if that's working 'cause i've dispelled some spriests and I've never got feared after dispelling anything from them. My other question is about dispel magic(priest spell). I use mikscrollingbattletext(msbt) addon to watch what I dispel on my screen. When I played wotlk and cata, it always showed whatever buff I dispelled or was dispelled from me. It's not like that in mop. I don't know if it's the addon that requires configuration it hadn't needed before or dispel isn't working right. I use platebuff to see spell icons above my target's nameplate and when I spam dispel I didn't see anything being dispelled. To test it, I got the glyph of dispel magic which deals holy damage to a target after a succesful dispel. The addon, msbt, shows me the damage done and I can actually see what I dispel with platebuffs(I dispelled fear ward off a priest and some dk's spell, can't remember the name) This is giving me the impression dispel only works when glyphed. But it might be just me and my lack of awareness at late hours in the night. Can anybody make a list of dispellable spells? I've read on blizz forums mage's "heating up" and "pyoblast!" could be dispelled by a priest but i don't see that working here.
  12. exey is right. I don't pvp as disc/holy, only as shadow, for shadow priests that glyph is useless. If you go into shadowform it works as the unglyphed spell. I thought about making a macro to cancel shadowform and then cast shadow word: death but it turns out when you switch out of shadowform it's still glitched and works only on targets below 20% health. Only way to fix it is by relogging and even then, if you're out of shadowform and can cast shadow word: death at a target at any health percentage, glyph is still gonna glitched as soon as you switch to shadow form, not even switching out of shadowform fixes it. And playing shadow priest out of shadowform is just dumb so this should be top priority to devs.
  13. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=89749/glyph-of-rapid-teleportation leant by http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=63416 2. Description of the problem. There's no speed buff after teleporting or using a portal. 3.How it must work. Exactly what the tooltip says: "After casting a Mage Teleport spell, or entering a Mage Portal, your movement speed is increased by 70% for 1 min" 4.Date when you tested it. 01/07/2014 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), x100 6.Priority of the problem. 1/10.
  14. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=56384/glyph-of-momentum, learnt by http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=42743 2. Description of the problem. -After Glyph of Momentum is equipped, whenever the character blinks while strafing left, right or backpeddaling, blink should teleport the caster in the direction they're moving but it doesn't. It always teleports you forwards(the spot you're facing) despite strafing or backpeddaling. 3.How it must work. -It should do exactly what the tooltip says: "Your Blink spell teleports you in the direction you are moving instead of the direction you are facing." This video shows how the spell(blink) should work when using glyph of momentum. 4.Date when you tested it. 01/07/2014 5.Realm x100 6.Priority of the problem. 10/10 just cause I think this is the only mage minor glyph worth using as a mage. Rest is just cosmetic stuff. Note: I'm surprised there's no bug report on this glyph yet, or maybe I just missed it. Either way, this needs fixing.
  15. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc: Illusion. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=131784/illusion 2. Description of the problem. - Spell is learnt from Glyph of Illusion - http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=63092/glyph-of-illusion once equipped on a minor glyph slot. The spell "illusion" is learnt and is added to the spellbook. Problem is when you cast illusion, it does nothing. 3.How it must work. When Illusion is cast on a target, the caster should look like the target and when is cast on self, it should have a random appearance transformation, 1 of 5 possibilities. 4.Date when you tested it. - 01.07.2014 5.Realm - (x100). 6.Priority of the problem. - 1/10 Note: On Changelog #3 glyph of illusion is listed as one of the mage spell fixed for that week. I don't know it was fixed for a while and now is broken. Just letting you know this isn't fixed and you should actually remove it from that changelog to give players the small courtesy of preventing them from wasting gold on broken things.
  16. sorry if i'm necroing this, but has this been fixed in any way? I tried to kill hei feng, but he was alwas out of line of sight, couldn't even get the my pet to come to me. Anyways, is that a new bug? or how were u able to get him in sight? and is still the 2nd part of the quest bugged?
  17. I support this post. I'd love for panda wow to make a pve realm, maybe the 10x realm can be turned into a pve realm. I think it would benefit the server to have both a pvp and pve realm, so both pvp ppl and pve ppl can choose the right realm they want to play in. I'm hoping the server can meet us halfway. And I agree on some comments made by ppl on the poll regarding the international realm. If the staff really wants to know how many players would enjoy an english realm, they need to post said post on the main page of the website. A very small portion of panda wow playerbase reads this forum. I don't get a word russian players are talking. I don't know if they're insulting ppl, trying to find help or just goldbegging in russian lol. It makes me feel frustrated when I can't understand a language, and to some ppl that can be offensive as well. As for the rates, I think 10x is fine, but if the staff sees fit to increase the rate a bit, 20-25x might do.
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