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Everything posted by yakueyg

  1. yakueyg


    1. Name of not working spell. - Stormstrike http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=17364 2. Description of the problem. - Sometimes Stormstrike when the attack is triggered it will not register the attack. It will only register only one hand of the attack like stormstrike off-hand (sometimes both hands don't register It just puts up the debuff with no damage at all), the main hand will be missing and vice versa. (this bug only happens in pvp though, also i noticed that stormstrike off-hand attack is never dodged, block or parried in dps meter) so i dont think they are two separate attacks like in the wowhead link it has stormstrike main hand and off hand effect #1 and 2. http://imgur.com/d0JotvN notice in the imgur there are no counts of stormstrike off-hand and the combat log shows just stormstrike. In http://imgur.com/a/Jh4Kl the counts of stormstrike main hand and off hand are 4 to 1 which should never happen they should always be equal. 3.How it must work. They should be two separate attacks. Right now i think if one is dodged blocked or parried or something the other doesn't work. Even in some situations the offhand doesn't even register even if main hand hits or not 4.Date when you tested it. August 28, 2016 5.Realm (x100) 6.Priority of the problem. (8)
  2. fix please i cant believe this is not working yet
  3. yakueyg

    Beacon of Light

    1.Name of not working spell - http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=53563 2.Description of the problem - The buff beacon of light is randomly being removed from the target I cast it on. i was dueling a warrior and i have to keep replacing it on myself for some reason. I don't know what causes it to happen. 3.How it must work - The buff beacon of light should not be removed from anything except death 4.Date when you tested it - May 30, 2015 5.Realm (x100) 6.Priority of the problem. 6
  4. yakueyg

    Flare and los

    confirm minor bug, but still a bug and game changing
  5. confirm very annoying bug when you cant use disengage or master's call with deterrence up. fix plz :)
  6. srry didn't see the normalization
  7. lava lash damage is not normalized otherwise i would be using a dagger. As for your tests i think u are right for lava lash dmg being incorrect an easy way to test is with calculating the absolute minimum dmg it can do, for example, my off hand hits from 7984 to 12260 which means min and max for lava lash is 7984*3*1.4*1.47(mastery)*1.07*2 (searing flames) and 12260*3*1.4*1.47(mastery)*1.07*2 (searing flames) = 105,487 to 161,983. since my lava lash is hitting 95k to 140k on dummy on the x100 server you know something is up. The modifiers for lava lash being mastery, flametongue 7% bonus, flametongues 40% off hand bonus and searing flames.
  8. yakueyg

    healing elixirs

  9. confirm. if you deselect target it will still auto attack and pet still attacks aswell
  10. i think you are right. i did some tests and it seems the damage from windfury is using the the damage of the off hand even if you have on your main hand. which explains why you can't proc it with a 2hand. it seems really messed up right now. i think the bonus damage is working but its is using the wrong hand to proc from. right now my hand dmg range is always higher than windfury procs, so something is must be wrong. yep was right, if you put it on off hand it will do correct dmg
  11. i think they fixed it
  12. yakueyg


    1. Name of not working spell. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=19263 2. Description of the problem. Some spells are going through the deterrence when its up, for example, (stormbolt, combustion stun, and many other cc abilites) 3.How it must work. When activated, causes you to deflect melee attacks, ranged attacks, and spells, and reduces all damage taken by 30%. It should deflect all attacks while it is active 4.Date when you tested it. October 1, 2014 5.Realm (x100) 6.Priority of the problem. 8/10
  13. yakueyg


    1. Name of not working spell. Stampede http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=121818 2. Description of the problem. Stampede is working great and all except the additional pets should only be auto-attacking. They should not cast their basic attack (claw, bite, and smack) or rabid ability 3.How it must work. stampede pets should only cast auto-attack 4.Date when you tested it. Friday, September 26, 2014 5.Realm (x100) 6.Priority of the problem. 5/10
  14. 1. Name of not working spell. Combo Breaker http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=137384 2. Description of the problem. The buff for Blackout Kick to cost no chi is consumed by any attack. 3.How it must work. The buff for Blackout Kick to cost no chi should only be consumed when you can cast blackout kick http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100784 http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116768 4.Date when you tested it. Friday, September 26, 2014 5.Realm (x100) 6.Priority of the problem. 4/10 rotation problems currently.
  15. deleted moved to monk forum
  16. 1. Name of not working glyph. Glyph of Healing Storm 2. Description of the problem. The glyph is not increasing healing per maelstrom stack by 20% per stack. instead it is just increasing by 20% no matter the amount of stacks. 3.How it must work. Each application of Maelstrom Weapon also increases your direct healing done by 20%. For total of 100% at 5 stacks. direct meaning not totem heals http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=89646 4.Date when you tested it. Friday, September 26, 2014 5.Realm: (x100) 6.Priority of the problem. (6-7) Enchance shaman survivability is gone without it
  17. confirm. this is very important for WW monks
  18. yakueyg

    Maelstrom Weapon

    can confirm on 100x realm also. it really just one of those annoying bugs that makes the game a bit less fun for for an enhance shaman. should be fixed nonetheless.
  19. yea this needs to be fixed asap because this is really important for pvp. There is another topic on this in the "other" forum. I think expertise works like this, if you, for example, have 5% expertise and the target has 10% dodge then the target will dodge 5% of the time. Hit is just 3% (6% for casters) and you won't miss on lvl 90 things.
  20. Can confirm this. On my character I have 4.15% hit chance which means i should not miss against other players that are lvl 90 according to the character sheet and I'm missing a lot in PvP. this needs to be fixed asap. Also its the same with expertise too it's not work too
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