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  1. djyouyou


    dont forget the glyph please of course http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=125673
  2. djyouyou

    fists of furry

    Spell: fists of furry ( http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113656 ) Realm: all realms Date: 2014.10.2 How is it working : do correct dommage but the monk can be silenced while casting the spell How it must work : the monk can't be silenced while using fists of furry according to Blizzard Correctifs patch 5.3 – 29 may http://www.millenium.org/wow/accueil/actualites/wow-correctifs-en-jeu-du-patch-5-3-patch-5-3-de-world-of-warcraft-mists-of-pandaria-correctifs-hotfix-86724 (Thursday, May 30, 2013 ) : - monk - Marche-vent - Poings de fureur peut désormais être lancé quand le moine est affecté par un effet de silence et les effets de silence n’interrompent pas la compétence pendant qu’elle est canalisée. priority : 5/10
  3. Spell: Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger bug ( http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=123904 ) Realm: all realms Date: 2014.10.2 How is it working : xuen is summoned but he dosn't cause any nature dommage to the ennemi only basic attack dommage How it must work : it must do nature dommage every 1 sec to 3 nearby enemies within 10 yards and and basic attack dommage of course priority : 10/10
  4. djyouyou


    Spell: Sparring ( http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116023 ) Realm: all realms Date: 2014.10.2 How is it working : not working How it must work : When you are attacked by a melee enemy in front of you, you begin to spar their attacks, increasing your chance to parry by 5% for 10 sec. This effect has a 30 sec cooldown. When you attack them back, Sparring is amplified by an additional 5%. Stacks up to 3 times and The duration of sparring will be refreshed if the target remains in front of you pririty 10/10
  5. djyouyou

    healing elixirs

    Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122280/elixirs-de-soins#changelog Realm: all realms Date: 2014.10.2 How is it working : its affected by Battle Fatigue How it must work : it musn't be affected by the Battle Fatigue neither by the pvp power , it must just heal the player for 15 percent of his health ( the same goes for touch of karma ) proof : vidéo from the official server 5.4.8(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVnMemdq6uk&list=PL9CxcE692Ez55HTs35wDOhCUSc1j8q4rTat ) at 27 sec he uses Healing élixirs ( 83 k heal ---- 557 x 0.15 = 83k ) if you want other proofs you can use other ways in the end you are devs so you know better than me priority : 10/10
  6. Spell: Rushing Jade Wind Realm: all realms Date: 2014.09.30 How is it working : do physical dommage How it must work : it must do nature dommage and must be affected by rising sun kick buff priority : 10/10
  7. i have a vindict paly and a ww monk they have the same gars same states and the same attack power but when i look to the dommage ( right hand dommage in the state barre ) i see that my vindict have a lot of dommage more than my monk even with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=103985 , but the vindict paly have no passive that make his right hand dommage so powrful then why my ww monk dommage is more weak than the paly the same for other classes ( dk , chaman ) i dont know about rogues and hunters, expet the warrior that he have the same dommage as the vindict paly, you can see the screens . and this is a video , we can see her the frost dk right hand dommage and states i think that the dommage must be overpowred for all melee dps classes but its only working for play and warrior video : and thoses are the screens :
  8. yes dk dommage is bug in all servers in x100 its full bug too you can see oliverate dommage in this screen 100k crit ( anéantissement = oliberate) lol i was hitting like 200k crit
  9. fix this spell plz its so imprtant for monk and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=123904 too
  10. yesterdey my dk was ok but today everything is bug dommage / pvp power in the screen you can see that i have + 10% heal but its not working i have 321k health than mean with conservation i heal like 3.21x3 = 9.63k and with 10% + heal = 10500 but i heal always 9.63k i dont know about others dk / classes
  11. spell name : all mele attack like oliberate , frost strike how it work : my frost dk do less dommage than befre with oliberate and the other mele attacks how it should work : oliberate and the other attacks must do much dommage ( i have like 18000-24500)dommage but with oliberate i do only 130k-170k but before i do 160k -215k date tested : 3-12 -2014 priority : 10/10
  12. the dommage of elemental blast must be augmented and effeced by http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77223 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8024
  13. i know but this is only a continuation of my first closed thread
  14. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=50532 im sure its bug i dont know about hlevels but in low lvls warlock pet dommage is bug , 200 -300 dommage lvl 15 this is really insupportable we can say that the dommage is doubled x 10 see this vidéo from officiel server ( pet do 20-35 dommage not 200 i spreak about basic dommage not spécial attacks)
  15. - spell : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115767 - date tested : 2/27/2014 - how it work : this spell do so much dommage ( 312 / sec ) lvl 47 war and proc like 1 time in 1 sec ( you can see the screen ) - how it should work : so less domage and proc like 1 time every 3 sec - priority : 10/10 - realm x10
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