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  1. Nope. Not a single one. I never give out my passwords.
  2. So I came back after a year pause to find that only my DK and my hunter remain from my x100 characters, with some crappy-geared x10 characters... Where did all my other characters go?! I had 10 or 11 lvl 90's in x100! One of each class! I just looked up the merging and obviously I think that's what caused the problem.
  3. Yes you are doing something wrong. The purpose of the transfer option is to transfer your characters. You can not use the Buy-Sell system for that. So they prevent you from doing it. That's it.
  4. Maybe if u said what the bug was, I could help out, but I have no idea what you're talkinga bout.
  5. @frakerober The CROWD chose YOU! :D:D thats just a joke offtopic :D
  6. Please fix this! I am stuck at that quest too! I want my shadowmourne ^^ :)
  7. 1. Zshot 2. x100 3. Speed Hack & Fly Hack 4. http://s27.postimg.org/3n404x4tb/Wo_WScrn_Shot_081714_083947.jpg http://s27.postimg.org/qed2rbpun/Wo_WScrn_Shot_081714_083950.jpg http://s27.postimg.org/53fin27q7/Wo_WScrn_Shot_081714_084003.jpg
  8. Keep in mind that it's bannable if used for PvP purposes :)
  9. The best PvE guild out there is ;) You can whisper Finishe/Enacra for an invite
  10. You sir, just made yourself for laughter. Ashbringer is not obtainable, but yet it IS in the item shop. That is the reason I am asking for Frostmourne to be added too.
  11. Just mute him please... Too annoying... 1. Mnemosia 2. x100 realm 3. Spamming and annoying 4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]48726[/ATTACH]
  12. I did not ask what did you reply to.. I asked why did you answer to his comment instead of my Question. Can you add frostmourne to the shop?
  13. What's fixed? And why did you not answer to the thread, but to the comment? Also the shadowmorune quest chain is not startable...
  14. Okay so there's http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=13262 in the item shop, but not http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=36942/frostmourne ? I mean c'mon.. I know it's in the files, so why don't you put it for sale? Please... Imagine how many Death Knights, Paladins, Warriors and etc. you will make happy with adding this :) So please put it! :) - Nikimoney
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