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Everything posted by Nemolionak3

  1. Nicknames of your characters: Arythmetic, Stacked, Bankaltzz Information about your Game Client: 5.4.8, I don't remember, I downloaded it ~3-4 years ago. Describe your problem: I used TSM (TradeSkillMaster) addon to send a load of items to an alt, and by a load I mean hundreds of stacks. The addon sent all the items very fast and now it gives me an error across all my characters, "Internal database error" and "You have sent too many items in a short amount of time", whenever I try to send any amount of items, or gold, or even text to another character. I didn't know there was a limit to how fast you can send items, is there a way to fix this? Do I have to wait a set amount of time? If yes, how long do I have to wait? How you tried to solve the problem: Delete cache, fix all my characters through website service. Edit: The error went away after ~10 minutes.
  2. Name of the violator: Lulëzim Realm: Fun Description of the violation: As you can clearly see in the video, he is using a fly hack. Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4hmRavfF6A
  3. Name: Diebabydie Realm: Fun Proof: http://i.imgur.com/W5TnZKh.jpg Description: He wanted to cast mind control on me and teleport me so I would die, but I interrupted him, so he flyhacked into the sky. You can clearly see I am looking up in the screenshot, and he is infront of me, it is hard to see because of my UI but you can see his character right below the nameplate, also, my pet is right next to him.
  4. Awesome guide! Helped me a lot :) I'm still gearing up but it's already really fun. I like the survivability, especially with demon hunting. :D
  5. Hello, I've recently created a completely new character and a strange thing started occuring. I created a warlock, name Arythmetic, geared it in starter gear, and then I didn't have any time so I logged off. Next day, I log in, and I go BG. Everything goes fine until I encounter a horde player- the bg was Twin Peaks. I start attacking him, and he doesn't attack me back, he is a full prideful-geared frost mage, could kill me in 3 seconds, but he decides to leave me alone and goes right past me, I manage to kill him without him even attacking back. I thought this is definetly a bug, I tried to see if it would do the same thing for next BG, and it did. I got called a cheater at the end of the BG, and I'm sorry to anyone who thought I was cheating, but I think my character is definetly bugged, I am not using any cheats and never have. TLDR; My character is invisible to every other player, even after many re-logs and even in BG. I can still attack other players, and when I try to duel someone, and they go far away from me, the duel doesn't get cancelled, which means that I'm also invisible to allies. Strange thing is that I saw some allies targetting me before the start of the BG... I don't want to bug abuse and risk getting ban, so please help me.
  6. name: Calvodk realm: Fun date: 24.2.2016 description: video is a bit laggy, but you can see he is somehow moving into the air from the ledge and then staying there. he is easy to follow because he has kotmogu temple orb, just look at the beam of light and its obvious he is flying VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We6XexVT208&feature=youtu.be I am posting this here because it is the same person. (Edit: I noticed I casually hit him for 250k without burst. GG)
  7. Name: Taromort Realm: Fun Description: He is very clearly fly hacking in the screenshot, there isn't anything else to be said about this. Proof: link to album, there are 3 screenshots
  8. --please ignore this, I got the problem solved
  9. name: Ìnzerius realm: fun description: speedhacking as seen in the video, you can see that he moves too fast and then dissapears from the mid of the map and after a few seconds he caps the flag, making the game end comment: I am pointing my cursor at him most of the time, so just follow my cursor in the vid time: 5:41 server time (seen in clock under world map) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRQSyvtcWcs
  10. He didn't crash, because he had the shield, he had to put it on during the preparation, which means that he wouldn't have crashed. When I SS'd him and went to report him, we were still in arena, and then he suddenly came down, I was afk so he killed me, and my pally partner, so we lost.
  11. Name: Pddlz Realm: Pandawow Fun Description: He got stuck on the starting place in dalaran arena, and he just stayed there until we left, which is abusing, because the water stream is supposed to push you down, yet he managed to stay on top. Screenshots: (album on imgur) http://imgur.com/a/sacug He has his shield, which means that he must have put it on. He wasn't stuck in loading screen Buffs are removed when you enter arena.
  12. Name: Pddlz Realm: Pandawow Fun Description: He got stuck on the starting place in dalaran arena, and he just stayed there until we left, which is abusing, because the water stream is supposed to push you down, yet he managed to stay on top. Screenshots: (album on imgur) http://imgur.com/a/sacug
  13. The login screen gets stuck at "Connecting" when I try to log in to the server. Don't matter which realm, because it applies for all of them. The website also doesn't seem to be working. Is it some problem with the server or is it my problem?
  14. I tried to take a couple screenshots but the other ones were all without him, this is the only screenshot I have of him fly-hacking. You have to look at it from a 3D perspective, he can't be that big from that far, because he has noggenfogger elixir, and his legs have the swimming animation, which is also very unclear but if you look close it's there.
  15. Name: Bloodyballz Realm: PandaWoW FUN Description: He is clearly flyhacking on the picture, later he was speedhacking too, but I couldn't take a screenshot of that. Proof: http://i.imgur.com/DhEP5qP.jpg - - - Updated - - - I just noticed, I'm sorry the screenshot is unclear, but from the angle you should be able to tell that he is indeed flyhacking.
  16. nope, its probably in the database, but you need to compete the achievement Challenge Conqueror: Gold in order to get this set. And you can't do that, since 1. raids dont work properly and 2. achievements dont work properly gg private server
  17. use jab glyph? lol (the one that changes it so that you dont attack with weapon but unarmed)
  18. pandawow's webmaster needs to get his shit together and fix the player-online count. I'd just make a script that changed a number in a database every time someone joined or disconnected, and then get php to put that number on the website. so wtf are these idiots doing.
  19. (feral) my bleeds hit for 20k, im full tyra and 5 griev pieces, you're doing something wrong. But yeah, feral heals are pretty op, but you can't really heal other people as well as you heal yourself.
  20. So this hasn't been working for a while. I thought they would fix it in 5.4.8, but they didn't. So here is the problem: When I cast normal healing touch, it is 60-70k heal, crit is 100-120k. With HotW, it is exactly the same. So I tried using NV, and it was a 70-80k heal, crit was around 150-170k... Please fix this, I really need my ultra heals for feral :C
  21. my mastery is 74% no pots and 79% with pots, and my bleeds do around 40k (rip and rake, trash and pounce bleed do like 15k-20k), I have no idea what could be wrong. I have only 5 pieces griev, no pridefuls, but something IS definetly wrong
  22. well atleast fix the bug D: I realised that it was someone giving the buff in org when I went over to horde, I got it too, so just fix it for gods sake.
  23. What the f*ck is going on here? I went on horde, and im in orgrimmar right now, and someone is buffing us with the Berserk buff!
  24. This all happened on the FUN realm. Time: 7.29. 12:10 GMT+1 Description of the exploit: Everyone had the Berserk buff, and they all did (near) insta-kills. Images-> on imgur The three first images are screenshots of my DMG log, so that you can see that I'm not lying with the actual insane dmg. (the log is in the bottom left of the screenshot) Names of exploiters: -Oxrana -Jorgue -Shadowé -Бабайкана -Sagera -Imsouglylol -Pocou (This was all in a bg so I'm pretty sure there were more exploiters but I couldn't catch them.) - - - Updated - - - Actually, next bg I go into, theres more exploiters, they all insta-kill me! WHAT IS THIS?!
  25. Char Name: Mouarh Realm: FUN realm What he did: As you can clearly see on the screenshots he is fly-hacking, the screenshots arent very clear because he was flying very fast and I almost couldn't catch him. Screenshots: (on imgur) http://imgur.com/a/MWivQ#9
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