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Everything posted by Nemolionak3

  1. today (7.22) i havent been able to connect to the realm pandawow FUN, it just stops at success, this has been going on since morning. is something wrong with the server or is it just me?
  2. im pretty sure he knows why, if I understand correctly because of a bug he appeared outside of the spawning area in a BG? He didn't give any ss' so idk if he can be trusted..
  3. Realm: Pandawow FUN Nick: Rabadon 16/7 10:50 gmt+1 screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/w3tr2#2
  4. 15/7 13:15 GMT+1 screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/rP6jE#0 (on imgur.com)
  5. What happens, is that as soon as you kill ANY boss in ANY raid, literally, ANY raid, you can't get back in. For me, the loading screen goes to the full bar, but then stops. When I force-quit then I appear back in Ironforge, depending on where my inn is set. Is there any solution to this? Things I tried: Deleting my cache, going to the Pandawow CP and "fixing" my character. (Masq on Pandawow Fun) -Didn't help As far as I can see, this is a server-side problem, something is wrong with the saving of the raid instances, since I can go back into the instances with different characters, but I can't go back in with the same character after killing a boss even after the raid reset occurs. This is starting to get quite ridiculous, I could deal with this when I was getting the rag hammer, because I could go in with my main, get the eye of sulfuras and a bit of the mats for the sulfuron hammer, and then because I couldn't get back in go onto one of my alts and get the rest of the mats and make the hammer and send it to my main. But if I try to get the Ahn'Qiraj Stormcaller set for transmog on my shaman, then it just doesn't work like this, I can't go in with another character and get the "Carapace of the Old God", which is the last thing I needed to get before I got dc'd and the crash started happening. I would love if there was some kind of a solution for this, I really REALLY wish to get that set, and I wish to be able to re-enter these instances, just if I need something from them another time. NOTE: I don't have any screenshots of this bug, since it is a "loading screen" thing.
  6. I didn't do anything and it randomly started working, all realms except the fun realm work now...
  7. Realms: all of them what happens: I try to login, the game only shows the "Success!" box and then if I click cancel on the success box then it shows the realm list and then if I try to connect to a realm list it just says "Logging in to server" but it doesn't stop, and after about a minute or two it goes back to the realm list. Please help all I want to do is just play, I literally didn't turn on my computer for a single day and this happens...
  8. Thermal anvil not working!! It says "item not available to you" or something, and its very bugging me! Pls fix priority: 1000!!
  9. besides you can just make alts and send their starting gold to your main.... or make alts with proffesions so you can make everything yourself, is it that hard?
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