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About Lanstus

  • Birthday 11/05/1996

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  1. -10 / 10 (coz it's Lefap)
  2. By this time I think everyone knows Varian dies, if you play retail you probably played Broken Shore event, so not much of a spoiler right now. - - - Updated - - - Thanks a lot
  3. Hey guys. After I saw the Broken Shore ending cinematic, and we all know what happened there I'm not going to spoil it to those that do not know. I decided to make a tribute to Varian but I wasn't able to find song that I like and would match the video nicely. That is until I heard this amazing song by Skillet and now that I had the song I opened Sony Vegas and got to work. Hope you like the video :) :) :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgRcQ2BAGLE
  4. If he has bonuses to unban himself instantly that doesn't mean nothing was done against him, Rollex is legit proof of this, each ban / mute he gets, he removes it with bonuses because he can. If he unbans himself with money, that doesn't mean staff isn't doing their job and baning him when he's reported for violating the rules.
  5. Thread closed until GM replies to avoid further spam and irrelevant replies.
  6. Your "Mature Language Filter" function is active, therefore the insult can't be seen. Report Denied.
  7. Your "Mature Language Filter" function is active, therefore the insult can't be seen. Report Denied.
  8. Yea but if his flying wasn't fked up he would've chased Bucky up when he tried to escape and probably killed him there.
  9. So I was just doing some dungeons on x100, being bothered by some Russian kid until he said... this... which was quite amusing to me so I thought to share it with you guys. HQ Version: http://i.imgur.com/4iXXWl2.jpg [ATTACH=CONFIG]111303[/ATTACH]
  10. Face the facts, if Cap didn't fk up Tony's flying, Tony would've killed them both, maybe not Cap but Bucky for sure. #TeamIronMan
  11. Why don't you film it? It's not rocket science to record something in-game.
  12. In that case everyone should make a warrior too, I've been hitting 500k+ dragon roars in world pvp left and right lol.
  13. Hahahahhahahahahahahaha
  14. How many of these PvP-ers are there on PandaWoW :D From #1 to #10, which one do you encounter the most in bg's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAjzyPPGvAs
  15. Report Declined. Mature Language Filter is active.
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