The language on the auction house is Russian, every time you require to search an item in the AH you must go to and type in the item, and change language to ''russian'' to display the russian name of this item.
There are various guides on the forum explained exacly how to do this, even with pictures. And a pre compiled client with english .wtf file and WOD models pre-aplied here :
Well you deleted it yourself, so what is there to blame the server for? Be glad multiboxing is allowed on here. And there is nothing to do besides buying bonuses to recover a deleted character.
Have a nice day
This is often caused when being in a very crowded area, try and repair you character with both repair functions from the website. While logged out obviously.
You are not suposed to create a post in the name of some one else.
And if you do please follow these rules :
Please post your problem in the donation problems section :
Also remember to add the link of the item you have now that is the wrong one and the link of the item that is the right one for making it easier for GMs to help you (: