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  1. Wow... srsly fix this bug.. this is a complete counter to any caster with a dot, basicly a counter to any dps caster...
  2. Oh god if these changes would been implemented on the server right now. Jesus most popular private server. Hands Down.
  3. Im also up idc who i mean honestly im just there to play some 3s since when i want to play either no one is online or i no one is queueing... which is aids... Also idk why we should not try to save the server i mean it has potencial if people actualy start fixing stuff... just a matter of working on it... woulda bring so many more players and would make the server quality go up.... i can only see positive outcomes in fixing bugs that the server has.
  4. I know its 1 link per coment but it wouldn't make sense with only i link. so here's my pandawow meme HEHE XD FIRST: http://tinyurl.com/jye5dym . . . . . . AFTER: http://tinyurl.com/zsgwabo
  5. 1. Quest chain for Survivor's Bag of Coins, is bugged. 2. The Npc needed to pick pocket Reislek's Ghost Isn't even there. After that, when u finally take the form of Reislek's Ghost with the Pick Pocket Glyph, You need to use the Glyph of Detection, and use the ability Detection to find Orsur , which is not working at least for this part, and then speak to him on the basement, and finally you get item. 3. This part is really redundant as i have given pretty much a whole description of how you should do the quest and what's bugged on it on the point above, Basically just introduce the NPC (Reislek's Ghost) , and make it so you need to use the glyph to detection to reveal Orsur and make the speech available so we can get the item. 4. Tested on 26/09/2016 5. Fun Realm(not sure about others) 6. 6/10. Not crucial, but somewhat fun to play with also really useful for world pvp if you are a rogue.
  6. Honestly, get in contact with the Firestorm guys if you can and ask them, in a polite manner how they "fixed" the pathfinding and the problems they had with it... like its such a crucial part of pvp imo.
  7. True but if i post it anywhere else and it will not be seen doe... its like i realy dont want to get banned since it wasent my fault...
  8. Before any GM get to any conclusions i want to call attention on my forum post about something that raou did today. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=184544 go check it out as he is no longer the owner of Icefloes (since 2day (11/06/2016)). As i explain on the forum post i had no idea what's going on and i realy dont wana get banned. Since the post got closed, ill post what ill write it down here. Okay so im here to say before anything else that i dident know that raou was abusing poly bug, since afterall i dont realy play high rated arenas. so by explaining all of that i wanted to say that he basicly gave me his char 2day, and me not knowing why or what the reason, accepted thinking he was being "nice" to me. Seems like he was doing all sorts of crap on this toon, and even getting reported on forums. me being the owner of this char now would like not to get banned and show you proof that i actualy am not raou. so here's a print of my characters on my account. as you can see there's no "raou" or any connection to his characters, that's becouse he said "oh ill just give you my mage with a character transfer". if anything i can do to help out gms and proof that im not raou or did not abuse poly glyph ill try to help out as much as i can. thanks. images of my char pool: http://imgur.com/a/QuR5t here's a conversation i had with him on skype about th reason why he gave me this char. as you see he clearly avoided the point that it had a report on it, and just tried to get rid of it as soon as posible. http://imgur.com/9lphcAP
  9. Okay so im here to say before anything else that i dident know that raou was abusing poly bug, since afterall i dont realy play high rated arenas. so by explaining all of that i wanted to say that he basicly gave me his char 2day, and me not knowing why or what the reason, accepted thinking he was being "nice" to me. Seems like he was doing all sorts of crap on this toon, and even getting reported on forums. me being the owner of this char now would like not to get banned and show you proof that i actualy am not raou. so here's a print of my characters on my account. as you can see there's no "raou" or any connection to his characters, that's becouse he said "oh ill just give you my mage with a character transfer". if anything i can do to help out gms and proof that im not raou or did not abuse poly glyph ill try to help out as much as i can. thanks. images of my char pool: http://imgur.com/a/QuR5t here's a conversation i had with him on skype about th reason why he gave me this char. as you see he clearly avoided the point that it had a report on it, and just tried to get rid of it as soon as posible. http://imgur.com/9lphcAP
  10. 1. Elraine 2. Fun 3. Fly hacking 4. http://imgur.com/a/coaWc 5. Using ly hack to be between walls where he cant be hit by melles and some times by casters in order to kill players that are pvp marked with a mind controlled sw guard.
  11. 1. Miyuxyy 2. Fun 3. Fly hacking. 4. http://imgur.com/a/LOuzx 5. even took a screenshot showing all the buffs he had at the time. i know that monks have a class mount and maybe his mount wasent loading for me. but since no buffs show a flying mount i doubt that's the case.
  12. If tl;dr read this. - - - Updated - - - Also, i though it was maybe that Seasoned Soldier was affecting Slam, and maybe it is, but that isent what's supposed to be happening. Over all Seasoned Soldier should only affect: » Whirlwind » Whirlwind Off-Hand » Thunder Clap
  13. Seems like horde sucks at bgs hum?? [ATTACH=CONFIG]103936[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]103937[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]103938[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]103939[/ATTACH] Who needs a bot to play the game for you when the report afk button dosent work properly, but not like that's important when arena is full of warriors / locks / shamans / hunters, i wonder why? PANDAWOW [ATTACH=CONFIG]103940[/ATTACH]
  14. I would like why friday and not some day on the weekend, cuz friday is a week day and people have school around the world which might couse teams to not partecipate (mainly people from the US/Canada/other people from America(continent) cuz the time there at the tourny's time is like 1 pm or so, which makes kinda of imposible to players to play at that time...
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