selling nelf hunter look at picture,s :) full gear and profs
in shop now click link
you could try too delete cash and wtf file in your wow folder (copy to save place , if you don,t work put them back :) )
and replace them with the one you can download hope it helps you
go too a stable master and stall your pets there
go too website and repair your chars
go back too stable master and there you go should b fixt
ps some plp switch TP for BM too MM in MM you can,t call exotic beast :)
selling undead hunter full griev + proffs full 600 engineer and full 600 tailoring
shado-pan assault friendly :) 250 + 27 server add = 277 points in webshop !!
theres also 2k conquest points stil on char :):music:
Tip ;-)
Stop leveling ay lvl 89 and try too sell that for bonus points
Like i did too get a mount
I sold 5 chars for 50 points per char
Goodluck have fun :-)
Hope it helps you