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  1. name: Aoea class: war server x100 http://imgur.com/nYLAlVx
  2. I have a monk and when I sand with a married and I shot this power given me vital crisalidad wow realmi stopped working Error happens only with me but none casador
  3. hello would like to contribute a bug I found or game error power vital crisalidad fails realtmi wow functional fucks something I has explain go sand and when his friend this devil that another is attacking him tirenele that pair can you see that automatic mind comes out that error sometimes shows at 2 but always gets my monk here I leave this brings hopefully correct it
  4. menor123


    hi any idea for when I'm out arenas wow mistake realti stopped working and shows me only happens in arenas and suddenly much lagg
  5. Приятно знать, что день будет начать играть арены возобновил в пятницу, но я не мог ответить на этот вопрос благодаря
  6. here I leave this bug is not if but the truth for sure 2 are shot 2 powers of endurance and gives a lot of life serve:x100 user:khaoos link: http://imgur.com/V26Flj7
  7. server: x100 name: Asis pj:DK link: http://imgur.com/ITgIa26
  8. the player had speed hack kill him and returned to where it was and get the flag and returned hagarro had already delivered one here I leave images that hopefully banen serve:x100 name Younes link:http://imgur.com/boJ5VXV, http://imgur.com/OBm03TN
  9. when the arena opens the player is already in the door here attacking photo name user: Azazal serve: x100 clase: picaro http://imgur.com/ZkI2nwV http://imgur.com/XGJd9cz
  10. name: Chirrette serve: x100 link: http://imgur.com/PcnfoKN
  11. hello here I leave the link of the photo hack: Assaing server x100 http://imgur.com/P7W1BW1 here another http://imgur.com/VJ9cTLh Undeadmen this hack should baniarlos bloquiarle for life and your ip and those which have given pj group derian be severe in these cases since they do is damage the server
  12. [ATTACH=CONFIG]55785[/ATTACH] should suspend these lifetime users ip block him and what these users are doing is damaging the server with these hack
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