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About Emorya

  • Birthday April 3

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  1. Just wait.. Me, Twigger and Dungeon all made mages..
  2. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-799988.html - Name: Vukavuka - Feral Druid - Fully Geared - Max 2x Professions; Jewelcrafting & Alchemy - Loads of Transmog & "Fun/RP" items (Check the Items via the hyperlink above) - 57 d. 14 h. 51 m /Played - ONLY SET AS 500 BONUSES?! (Exact cost: 552) Find it in the shop by just sorting by time in game. (Should be at the top)
  3. Emorya

    Stop it!

    I have no idea, just thought it would fit in next to the come again part.:mocking:
  4. Emorya

    Stop it!

    I know right? I mean cmon, this server is all about making bonuses and PvP... They already have a PvP section so why not make a "auction house" for chars?
  5. Emorya

    Stop it!

    Stop trying to sell your characters on the forums!! It's just filling up in here with shit characters that nobody wants to buy. Please either spam in English chat or wait for a forum section called "Character Sales" or something.. Jesus christ, this isn't ebay! ( This post is mostly just an idea for the forum mods but also a message to all the cunts that are spamming that they WTS FULL GRIEVOUS CHAR...) thank you, please come again :troll1:.
  6. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-1788900.html Give me an offer.
  7. Hey I am still having this issue where whenever I log on I get this weird wow error about something could not read. Is there any solution for this?
  8. There we go :appl:
  9. And as I said, I wasen't going to download it even if you had a virus scan on it. It's not for my safty, I have a custom virus program so I don't care... It's for other peoples safty... I mean you're in a public forum and if somebody does get an virus from downloading this you will get fucked up. but as far as I can see it was scanned at it came out clean... 2013-11-26 20:41:59 UTC ( 10 months ago ) -.-' Anyways, I don't care anymore.. Just pointing it out.
  10. If there's no virus in it why don't you just put a virus scan of it? I mean it's not that hard... I wont download it even if you had a virus scan up there because I don't need the addon.. I'm just doing this for the safty of others information.
  11. Either put up a virus scan or this is pretty much the same thing as scamming people into downloading a virus, which you are well aware off. (just FYI. that's banable)
  12. Whaaat?!
  13. So are you able to go to the vendors now without getting the wow errors? or did it just fix that you weren't in that area anymore?
  14. Hi my char name is Emorya. The reason for why I would like this mount is because It's freaking amazing!!!! and also it fits my transmog perfect. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=93671
  15. 4? cmon atleast 5 hours now.
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