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  1. tiggar you are chimp lol
  2. Fizxxzif


    why you dodging questions where a 1st grader could answer them lol ?
  3. you guys notice that you are flooding this thread af ? it's gonna be declined 99.9% plus no proof sadly...so rip ban,and if he gets banned he can unban himself easily and they won't reset any rating since they haven't done that since they released pandawow.And the rules are not like blizzard,pandawow does not reset rating nor bans permanently they just ban for cheats but for wintrading i haven't seen any ban since forever lol sadly.so rip thread
  4. ban him perma pl0x.
  5. keep your opinion for yourself you racist jew penis cut kid,go milk your step father.And don't switch accounts to make yourself more fab.
  6. you go milk your 9 yo sister first
  7. that's not insult you racist,it's a thing you do when you are thirsty,for example on how to milk your step father : you go to him,you stab him once and start squeezing his nipples till they release the milk....you drink it and you become Deadpool
  8. you switched accounts lmfao tiggar47 not my fault your real parents adopted you and they died after from lung cancer FeelsBadMan.Go buy yourself a new 4skin lmfao bosnian kid and yeah suck on deez nuts
  9. LOOOL lie more LMFAO 3.1k on retail kappa - - - Updated - - - holy shit you are lying so f*cking much,i bet you are some 10 yo for real without 4skin
  10. pupil school lmfaoooo this even makes me think that tiggar is 13 yo lmfaoo,go watch some Deadpool and jerk on that shit movie,racist.
  11. WHERE IS THE INSULT LOL ?? Racist is not an insult...I'm black and you said that u hate black people,I think I should report you about being racist. lie more.Being adopted it's a sad truth and not an insult unfortunately you have to sell oranges outside and gas masks to make a living so sad aaand the last one you have gay ass name (irl). so decline this thread Зилиус or Shadrissa because it's useless and i didn't insult this racist,league of lesbians hero
  12. i blurred some words,so i don't see any insults ;)..keep being racist but know that being a racist is not a good thing.No,seriously don't flood this thread you racist nobody likes you 15 yo leo plese gay ass name
  13. is it too late now to say sorry :( ?
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