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  1. dotadoom

    Rogue BG PvP 2

    yup, pretty much no competition for a fully geared rogue out of the arena in MOP; even other geared chars drop down fast because they usually don't expect what's coming and/or have already popped def cds&trinket. I also tried to exclude team kills because it's boring if someone helps you unfortunately he hits too many times per second and most of the crits are not displayed. Instead you see 30k deadly or autoattack crit but target's hp drops rapidly hah; and that 330k crit vs the lock on 8:50 was so funny
  2. dotadoom

    Rogue BG PvP 2

    Hi guys, Apparently you can't stop wow forever So as requested in the comments of the first video, behold.. with over a year delay.. born within a day (yesterday) and a about a couple of hours gameplay record.. and probabaly twice as much editing.. PS link to first one http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=145617 PS2 I am not arena player PS3 I am not a team player
  3. Invalid report First you get the initial dmg and then you apply the mastery modifier 8891/1.4869=5979.55478 9485/1.5829=5992.16628 as you see, your initial Evisc dmg is somewhere at 6k, then you add the mastery bonus and everything sums up. Math lesson: 1.6 is not 10% greater than 1.5. It's actually 1.6/1.5=1.067=6.7% better =) #LearnToScale
  4. but the point is that they introduce new bugs by fixing current ones. How'd you know if a new ability isn't bugged after a fix unless you test everything in that case?
  5. lol are you saying that once a dev "fixes" like a single spell (or 5-6), there should be some group of players who test absolutely every single class/ability ingame to see if it's broken? That'd take tons of time. Bugs don't appear themselves out of nowhere unless they were there and active on the first place. If you see a new bug it's simply caused by a dev's change (intentionally or not). No offense.
  6. This is not exactly how I imagined Satan's incarnation would look like, but oh well, you know what they say - never judge a book by it's cover...
  7. the damage is legit, they just boosted it in a hotfix but never updated the tooltip Hotfix (2013-09-23): "Ice Lance's damage has been increased by 20%." 8000/6700=1.194, means you do 19.4% more than the tooltip source: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Ice_Lance
  8. dotadoom

    Fear pathing

    I think it's any fear and disoriente spell such as http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=31661/dragons-breath >stay near pillar >get cc wasted >fall in the eternal abyss of non-textured limbo wow >gg wp
  9. dotadoom

    Dk parry

    gj, now all dks (not only human) have low parry
  10. ofc it's PVE.. they can even do 600k+ with yolo talent build
  11. yup, you should try feral/guardian druid + HOTW and see retarded 300k+ wrath casts
  12. Make Rogues Great Again!
  13. kek scared of what their "fix" will look like?
  14. didn't they fix that some time ago?
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