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  1. Bump Still wondering why passive dodge doesn't work in PvP.
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    Skull Banner

    From what I could come with, it appears that it is neither completely static, nor is it completely dynamic. It is static in that you need to refresh your dots when the banner is up in order for your dots to benifit from the 20% crit damage bonus. Your dots won't get the 20% bonus crit damage dynamically. (I couldn't find a sufficient proof other than guides saying that you should watch the banner to refresh your dots) It is dynamic in that once the banner duration expires,your dots will lose the 20% crit damage bonus (Proof is a fire mage combustion ticking 243k while the banner is up, but starts to tick lower right after the banner fades out) Proof link: (check the opener)
  3. ^ The title. I have got 6% Expertise. Rogues have ~25% passive Dodge, but they only dodge my attacks when they activate Evasion. Meanwhile, Warriors have ~25% passive Parry, but they Parry even without activating Die By the Sword. Does passive dodge get completely negated by 6% expertise, but passive parry not? or is this just a bug?
  4. Also what about this comment from wowhead? https://web.archive.org/web/20140131043755/https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=112948#comments "By glonglon (865 – 1·6) on 2013/07/02 (Patch 5.3.0) Frost bomb always grant brain freeze when it explodes. Also frost bomb take into account your spellpower when it explodes and not when you apply it like other dots." This means that if you apply frost bomb with full burst, but the bomb explodes after you lose procs, then you do less damage. Anyone to test? I wonder if this comment count as valid proof? Glonglon is a known arenajunkie user, too.
  5. 207k So damage is okey, no bug. Thanks for test.
  6. Honestly, they better just remove this bg map altogether. Along with isle of conquest and alterac valley of cource. (inb4 vanilla nerds, Just because you are nostalgic, doesn't mean that AV is a good map nowadays).
  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20140131043755/https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=112948 I believe you are refering to the last sentence in the tooltip? "This spell is strongest when it can hit 5 or more targets" But you can see there is no change in formula.. Main target always take 4600 + (344.68% spell power), and all Secondary targets always take 2301 + (172.5% spell power). This is only blizzard giving players tips for maximum dps for talents in level 75 row. Living Bomb (http://db.pandawow.me?spell=44457/living-bomb): "This spell is strongest when applied to 1 or 2 targets" Nether Tempest (http://db.pandawow.me?spell=114923/nether-tempest): "This spell is strongest when applied to 3 or 4 targets" Damage doesn't increase.. Only a tip for which talent is better for 1-2 target, or 3-4 target, or +5 target dps
  8. Working correctly. The damage doesn't change if you hit 1 target or +5 targets.
  9. Here is something to work on: Frost Bomb formula is: 4600 + (344.68% spell power) to the main target. Assuming 54,000 Spell Power during burst: 4600 + (3.4468 x 54,000) = 190,727 Add x1.72 (Mastery modifier) = 328,050 Add x1.2 (Arcane Power modifier) = 393,660 Add x1.15 (level 90 talent modifier) = 452,710 Add x1.56 (PvP Power modifier) = 706,227 Add x2.03 (Crit modifier) = 1,433,642 Add x0.2 (PvP Resilience modifier) = 286,728 Add x0.70 (nerf to Frost Bomb against players) = 200,709 This is very close to the numbers I've been getting on my Mage back in the day. krischyn, Vatfaker, Can you upload another test that shows your spell power, pvp power and mastery during burst, and also the damage that your Frost Bomb did?
  10. Hello, Krischyn. And sorry for late reply. Something like this used to happen back when I played here. I beleive it is caused by the server not counting the mastery you have on your gear after you respec multiple times. This was solved by stripping off all your gear, then fixing your character from site, and finally going back and wear your gear again. Or the problem could be that you are bursting with low mana. I don't have the client installed, so I can't test it myself.. But I hope one of the methods mentioned above helps you.
  11. I don't play pvp here atm. And now a 3vs3 team could win rating points from farming randoms on soloque?? They've done it! they've managed to make 2vs2 a more creditable bracket than 3vs3 :appl: :appl: :appl:
  12. I'm calling this bug 'Sylvanas', because in death it was reborn.. Seriously though, pleasepleaseplease tell us you were joking about the return of this bug. /cry
  13. Not sure if sarcastic.. it would be a slight buff, a very very very slight buff .. ~16 points of healing per tick to be more precise. I mean 16 when using the same stats and filters he used in his example.
  14. Now please don't say that mmo-champion isn't a reliable source... https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/834273-Which-caster-class-has-the-best-survivability-in-PVE?p=10157766&viewfull=1#post10157766 And not only that comment, other users who disagreed with voting for Mages also said the same thing.
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