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Everything posted by dotadoom

  1. dotadoom

    Old Trinkets

    хуugdbciojnИсаидйсдкллЙХАСДЛЙЛК3ЕВДСА87цъайй; /facekeyboard
  2. hmm by articles you meant http://www.noxxic.com/wow/pvp/mage/fire/stat-priority ?
  3. dotadoom

    Old Trinkets

    what I'm saying is that here you get banned for discovering bugs (at least I did) if you find something wrong chances are that you are gonna get banned before you even write about the bug in the forum section Imagine a new mage in the server who decides to try that blink glyph in 1 duel. He doesn't know it's bugged but the other guys are going to immidiatley report him and he's gonna get banned for 30 days. The community isn't friendly. But hey, it's just a free server I don't expect devs to able to fix a single skill in under a week or so
  4. dotadoom

    Old Trinkets

    yeah, banning people for problems they should've fixed is a very smart decision indeed. "Look - this guy has found and is exploiting a bug. I better ban him before more people find out." Instead of "Hmm. This guy has found a bug. Let me fix that."
  5. @Tbf 1/Arcane mastery isn't bugged at all - it adds damage as inteded based on your max mana (mastery persentage * percent current mana) it's the overal arcane mage damage that's bugged your spells start dealing 20% more damage just because you specced in arcane 2/ frost mages can do can do lances easier but they can't do more damage than arcane not here not anywhere (arcane mastery > fof procs 25% dmg) 3/ the guy who gave you 300k ice lance would most likley give you 200k LB ticks :)
  6. so I made a new acc and a mage just to show you guys since my acc is banned bcos people say I'm hacker full male gear and selfbuff http://s28.postimg.org/czlh965cb/Wo_WScrn_Shot_082314_151949.jpg here's living bomb + ice lance on the dummy http://s28.postimg.org/za9c952mj/Wo_WScrn_Shot_082314_151043.jpg http://s28.postimg.org/c7it9z157/Wo_WScrn_Shot_082314_151052.jpg and here's frost bomb (very low damge compared to LB) http://s28.postimg.org/mlf1pgwi3/Wo_WScrn_Shot_082314_151932.jpg yeah, I know it's a dummy but for pvp damage just divide by 3 but if you are full geared arcane on a bg with tons of buff well.. yeah you dont have to divide it PS as I already said arcane mage's damage is increased here by ~20% Ice Lance is increased for all mages by 20% as well
  7. as far as I've tested Ice lance damage is boosted by about 20% on this server also arcane mages - they do 15-20% more damage with all skills than they are supposed to (giving them over 130k ice lances if stacked correctly) rest of frost/fire is fine
  8. a true horde player never rolls a healer we always play dps who cares if we lose a bg but we have 5 times more kills/damage? FOR THE HORDE!!
  9. haha thanks, 4-warrior horde humiliation huh? -here's one from yesterday.. gotta love that bg http://i.imgur.com/ogFLS94.jpg
  10. it was fixed a day after this topic...
  11. basically anything that's not mage-related if you fight a good mage and somehow win then you are probably abuser/hacker and you have no place here
  12. here's king kong rogue molesting me [ATTACH=CONFIG]50386[/ATTACH]
  13. I'm just sayin'.. I'm not russain either.
  14. don't worry, there are detailed threads for each class in russian language http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=49088
  15. Niice one, 50min rogue run with so many finishers but the damage seems to be too low 17mil / 153 = ~111k damage per target (killing blow) meaning that you probably only attacked near-death targets but judging by your target's HP this isn't the fun server is it :> PS in my prev post example you can see I did 56 KBs (24min run) with 33mil total dmg 33mil / 56 = ~589k damage per target ^^
  16. the 9-man Horde has only 7 kills :/ You camped them in their spawn spot and you shall pay for this one day alliance scum!! Edit: Here's one from me http://s28.postimg.org/rbpma5v0t/Wo_WScrn_Shot_071514_144907.jpg
  17. in order to "play" one class well against other people you must understand (or better master) all the rest.. you know their cds/playstyle/rotations. This may even help you calculate the outcome of a battle before it has even begun
  18. I thought this combo doesn't work here.. does it?
  19. last time I checked multiple ROFs no longer deal separate damage at one zone.. they got that fixed
  20. lol, elven bullies from DA HOOD!:rofl_mini:
  21. So basically if someone is good he must be banned? http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--nxsC_dFx--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_320/710494654415366723.jpg
  22. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=84265&p=619615#post619615 :good: it's a good idea tho..
  23. I believe a self-buffed sub rogue can do about ~3 mele hits/sec http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113742 + http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5171 and high stack of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=76808 gives a really high amount of attack speed. Also a dagger's base speed is 1.8 which is pretty fast itself. A hit every 0.2 sec on the other hand means 5 hits/sec and I don't know if that's posible neither how you managed to calculate it during a fight.
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