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  1. DK: Change, Absolutezero, Omne Druid: Skinnywigga, Minpojke Hunter: Hitdown Mage: Abuxo, magetrainer, pewds, Baz Paladin: Dartmeganz Priest: Noneedholy, akuyama Rogue: Repitchx, alexisrenn Shaman: Dionysus, filipsmashxk, russian shaman that was in the r1 wms with blaston Warlock: Autschbastch Warrior: Markzxy Monk: Some good wws
  2. 1. Change 2. FUN 3. https://imgur.com/VN0Wvtg
  3. It's gonna be fun farming all these dogshit hunters in high mmr https://gyazo.com/7fcce691fa81a2d86c73525a3b5a20e9 [ATTACH=CONFIG]104817[/ATTACH]
  4. 550 warrior List of things it has below https://gyazo.com/42f45bd0711d7718a86847b9a76e72c3 Full elite ruthless set + naxxramas 40 god sword ( 350 bonuses) https://gyazo.com/6b0c6fd1d9404fc9cf0b2bfc069f98fc Armored Skyreaver 250 bonuses https://gyazo.com/c0d8f4f4cdb304f27ab676a538029931 Spectral tiger (200 bonuses) https://gyazo.com/26331e28a37a5ec32cd8d8121e9149dd Heart of aspects (250 bonuses) https://gyazo.com/23d06a66e1df480720fe96be0331b0c3 Picture of bag to show the ruthless set. https://gyazo.com/5cffa86c6b285f57a7a3d658d1be9beb The rating it has. Well just pm me an offer or write down below, It will be on the shop for 1.100 bonuses overtime.
  5. Got gold 5 on my first month of playing the game.. The game is super easy.. Just main support pick nautlius, leona, braum or alistar and faceroll every botlane. Sadly I got scammed trying to sell my LoL account xD. Now I play on my friends low elo account. Climbing fast tho.. When I want to that is. Went on a 7 win streak yesterday.
  6. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/Akuyama/simple
  7. What's the problem here lol, juster already announced that he's gonna ban him after this season ends.. This problem is solved.. I think.
  8. [ GAMING REQUIRES NO AGE (END OF DISCUSSION) Just that younger people tend to be better at games.. I mean if I (18 year old) faced a 30-40 in an old multiplayer game lets take pac man for example, if we faced each other in pacman he would probably rek me as it was the game of his time. (I know pac-man isn't a multiplayer game just saying) My point is gaming requires no age.. I could be playing wow when I'm 40-50 but not as much as I play now. I'm young I can do whatever I want, my life hasn't even started yet basically. So yall gotta stop talking shit about old people playing games, it's just stupid.
  9. Wait what the fuck? The same gms that work in pandawow work in wodempire? Are you fucking kidding me? They're not even recruiting new ones for pandawow? They think their gms can work on both servers 2 gms to handle servers with 8k+ in pandawow and 2k+ in wodempire basically 10k+ players in each server? They want 3 gms to handle that population? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA SHOOOT MY BRAINS OUT CUZ I'M HAVING A HARD TIME UNDERSTANDING THIS. What the actual fuck. Edit: So I just read uraganuu's post. 2 gms work in pandawow and 1 for wod empire xD... That just makes it worse.. Pandawow I think it's about damn time you start recruiting. You need to know that this server is the best PvP mop Server atm no1 is better.. well has more population.. but still 2 gms to handle approximately 10k+ players is just absurd.. Now that I think about it... Maybe they're just tired xD.. Server has been running for almost 3 and a half years.... Back in the days bugs used to be fixed in weeks.. Now it takes like 2-3 months.. hell explosive shot has been bugged for almost 4 months now I think. I remember the hunter bug back in grievous season like 2 years ago I think. Where serpant sting hit for 60-80k every time you reapplied it. They fixed that in 2 weeks... Now they need 4 months to fix explosive shot... Alot have changed in pandawow over these past years and as a old-school player... I think it's its downfall... Idk just saying tho.. Don't be to suprised if they decide to shut down in a few months or so.. I know I won't be.
  10. Yeah, They did that to absolute/minpojke tho.. Idk why I think they deserved their rewards. Especially aboslute rank 1 in like 3-4 seasons in a row.... No wonder he quit if he gets nothing for it lmfao.
  11. Dornivan Ivandorn Coincidence? I think not. Dornivan Ivandorn Dorinvan Ivandorn Ivandorn Dorinvan Ivandorn Dornivan Ivan dorn Dorni varn Ivan dorn Dornivan Dornivan Ivandorn Ivandorn Dornivan Wintrading Confirmed. Next time don't name your forum account the same as your wintrading char dumbass. DORNIVAN+IVANDORN=IVANDORN ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED. TOPKEK
  12. Deathskin's - Warlock Updated, a bit more green'ish, name is more stronger. Fully done. Adlario's - Warrior Fully done. xD
  13. Yes it's faster but 2x icy touch and 2x blood boil can be useful against certain comps like war/mw where u train the warrior unless the mw sucks. You need icy touch to dispell enveloping/renewing mist etc. If u keep dispelling those you have a higher chance to win. Basically you need to learn how to switch rotations during certain comps as a dk.
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