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Everything posted by demsweg

  1. i think that requirements are too low like (2.1 2s and 1.6 3s) , 1.6 3s is more like everyone can get that rating xd
  2. Sltdruide / Druid / Restoration / Fun : http://i58.tinypic.com/v8iji0.jpg
  3. 1.Fun 2. Endjelolozx 3. 252k pyro, y ofc , it's rlly legit 4. http://i59.tinypic.com/zxmftj.jpg
  4. Yes, there is a bug that u can keep a buff forever thanks to altertime, he probably used that with the flag buff
  5. 1.Zetqfllo - Cryzix 2.Fun 3.This mage does 160k pyroblast, with 409k hp which means with tyrannical and malevolent gear (which should be impossible) Эта маг делает 160K Pyroblast, с 409K л.с., что означает с тиранической и злую передач (что должно быть невозможным) (edit: with combat log, just see in the screen... ALSO, the arena was about 5mins , so it's not that arena buff after 15min) 4.proof : http://i62.tinypic.com/9u5g95.jpg
  6. 1.Zetqfllo 2.Fun 3.This mage does 160k pyroblast, with 409k hp which means with tyrannical and malevolent gear (which should be impossible) Эта маг делает 160K Pyroblast, с 409K л.с., что означает с тиранической и злую передач (что должно быть невозможным) 4.proof : http://i62.tinypic.com/9u5g95.jpg
  7. the effects don't stack on live, u can't get more than 25% heal reduce maybe 35% with nerve strike but not more, like a retail's gm said : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=54680/monstrous-bite , http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=82654/widow-venom and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115804/mortal-wounds and every other heal reduce spells are the same spell with another name
  8. They're abusing it , taking that pet on purpose (as it should be a useless pet for a bm) to get http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=54680/monstrous-bite and casting http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=82654/widow-venom also on purpose to get the 50% heal reduce only from the hunt, than with the war it reduces 25% more, which gives 75%, it's completely on purpose.
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