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  1. Vuk96


    Star u can play BG and say that like i told before a lot of ppl dont know how to play it good but still they can do a lot of dmg.Go play arena and try to met some rouges that know what they doing they gona kill u for 2 sec u dont even gona trinket or do a shit u gona be dead.But nvm i played rouge yesterday and i hit 150k full griev ppl and i have half tyran gear on me.Me ilvl is 525.
  2. Vuk96


    U guys must be joking on me or never see real rouge burst on this server it's a lot boosted u cant say to me it's normal thar he hit me 190k he cheap shot smoke bomb and in 2 sec he killed warr.So dont saying it's l2p issuse it's just they have boosted dmg in this server.U all probably playing rouges.Star i dont say it's immposbile to survive ye u can do that with rouge that know he is bugged and will pop all and just cheap shot u will fear him but with rouges that know what they doing u cant survive like that he will instant u kidney or cheap shot u again then kidney.
  3. Vuk96


    Hmmm poped all defensives....And it's not l2p issuse for sure i show u that in uldum and in 2s like 5-10 min ago.
  4. Vuk96


    Hello i just wanna get answer when u gona start fixing something on last patch when i ask answer was we working on new patch what now? Rouge dmg insane bugged oneshoting in arena just pop burst and GG.
  5. Bahurqskina86 i never saw stupid guy like u srsly.
  6. This is little stupid that they cant get up server like 5-6h or more idk.If they have some big prob they should tell us not like this.
  7. Guys rly dont know whay u hate Hijax i see in-game to now on forum he just work hes job.Better to have mod in-game then not trust me.
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