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Everything posted by Dipo

  1. When a admin says anything about it could you keep me updated on this post?
  2. I Couldnt realy find a format for this problem because the format was about crashes/games not starting so im making my own Character: Diposs Realm: x100 Problem: So i sold a Sapphire panther for 600K on AH and when i looked at my email it said it sold for 170,503 gold for some reason so idk what happend there " Sale price " 170,503 gold "Auction house cut" 30,000 gold ( 5% of 600K which proves my original price was 600K ) "Amout received " 140,504 gold Pictures :http://prntscr.com/4ai404
  3. probally going to be down for hours again like last time it went down
  4. http://prntscr.com/4agtqj i was only one onnline but crashed 5 min later lol
  5. im im x100 :P i was only one onnline for like 5 minutes and then i crashed lol
  6. http://prntscr.com/478o7v same guy i was also there
  7. 1. Name of the violator : Lawyear (horde) 2. Realm, where you saw the violation. X100 realm 3. Description of the violation : Damage hack at world boss one hitted our raid + galleon 4. Proof: screenshots or video :http://prntscr.com/478o7v
  8. 1. Name of the violator: Monnks 2. Realm, where you saw the violation: X100 realm 3. Description of the violation : We were with 20 people at Galleon ( world boss ) untill a horde monk appeard named ( Monnks ) and one hited everyone of us including Galleon. 4. Proof: Specify the following: http://prntscr.com/46tv0b " 84474547 overkill " extra: on my last post you said " not found " what do you mean not found , how can't he be found
  9. 1. Name of the violator: Monnks 2. Realm, where you saw the violation: X100 realm 3. Description of the violation : We were with 20 people at Galleon ( world boss ) untill a horde monk appeard named ( Monnks ) and one hited everyone of us including Galleon. 4. Proof: Specify the following: http://prntscr.com/46tv0b " 84474547 overkill "
  10. ^ i was also there 84M hit and he one shoted galleon :( "Monnks" http://prntscr.com/46tv0b
  11. no1 is onnline shits bugged on site ;
  12. oh :P though i was only one if like everyone has it there working on something i guess
  13. when i click to connect to x100 realm it says " logging in to game server " and then it dissapears and nothing happens
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