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  1. 1. rlo151 2. 100x 5. original email is stated previously in #3. Friend uses same internet provider as I do and lives nearby. 6. Giving account to friend, just don't want my email to be used anymore. EDIT: Posted from my friend's computer. Currently over at his house atm.
  2. I have WOD models v3 installed from PandaWOW forums but it's making my http://www.wowdb.com/items/32235-cursed-vision-of-sargeras to not show up correctly on Human Female model. The Cursed Vision of Sargeras is clipped into the head, making the eyes see though and making me looks like a racoon lol (huge turn-off for transmog) Is it a problem just for me? This clipping texture didn't occur before I installed WOD models. [ATTACH=CONFIG]87838[/ATTACH]
  3. Player: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-3209887.html Realm: 100x Description: Paladin uses teleport to capture minecart, see in the pictures included and look at 1. The paladin's position 2. The timer Paladin captured alliance minecart in less than 1 second
  4. I'm trying to send an inscription to my alt by using an Enchanting Vellum but it doesn't work for some reason. I tried to use http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=87584/secret-tiger-claw-inscription and tried to enchant it on a http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=38682/enchanting-vellum But when I do, it said "That item is not a valid target"
  5. tgiavi


    I guess we frost mages have to wait then, til then a huge chunk of our burst will be gone. Anyone know about fire mages? Are they bugged too?
  6. tgiavi


    I understand. Will this be fixed anytime soon? Frost Mages aren't at their full potential when Icicles are bugged.
  7. tgiavi


    Spell Name: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=76613 How it should work: Launches only when Ice Lance is casted How it works: Randomly launches at the target when Frostbolt is cast 100x Realm
  8. Mistweaver Monk and Feral + Balance Druid HAD BEEN SOLD!! Subtlety Rogue is up for sale now on the webstore
  9. Subtlety Rogue [AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSTORE] Name: Digjy Character Page: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-1369495.html Race: Night Elf Gears: Full Grievous gears + Transmogs and Titles. Gears are Enchanted + Gemmed. Crystal of Insanity included. Enchanting and Engineering 600/600. 1.7k Arena Rating + 2.7k Valor points + Shado-Pan Assault Rep Price: 350 Bonuses Mistweaver Monk [sOLD] Name: Quangdoc Character Page: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-1842980.html Race: Human Gears: Full Grievous gears + Transmogs and Titles. Gears are Enchanted + Gemmed. Blacksmithing + Inscription 600/600. 2.6k Arena Rating + Shado-Pan Assault Rep Price: 385 Bonuses Balance + Feral Druid [sOLD] Name: Thyrazx Character Page: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-1-1662219.html Race: Night Elf Gears: Full Grievous gears for both Balance Spec and Feral Spec (Wyrmhide + Dragonhide) + Transmogs and Titles. Gears are Enchanted + Gemmed. Tailoring + Engineering 600/600. 1.9k Arena Rating + Shado-Pan Assault Rep Price: 450 Bonuses If you have any questions about any of these characters (including negotiations about the price), please post here or send me a pm/mail in game and I will try my best to answer your questions.
  10. Name: First guy on the list (Click on image to zoom) https://imageshack.com/i/exaoETSoj Realm: 100x HORDE Hack: Flame Shock hit you 460311 Fire.(3986753 Overkill) https://imageshack.com/i/p2sw6k62j
  11. 1st Abuser IGN: Malgister Realm: 100x HORDE Violation: Fly Hack, as clearly seen in the screenshot Screenshot [ATTACH=CONFIG]46329[/ATTACH] 2nd Abuser IGN: Djekman Realm: 100x ALLIANCE Violation: Fly Hack, teleporting around the map onto impossible places like on top of the capture point Screenshot [ATTACH=CONFIG]46330[/ATTACH]
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