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Everything posted by Vangaros

  1. Okay it randomly works again. I was qing arena and my pc chrashed mid fight and i guess it bugged for a while. Thank you.
  2. My account under the name: Malttazar is bugged. I cannot q for arenas or battlegrounds. Everytime i try i get this ingame warning: Registration at the cross-server has been failed. Try again later. Pls fix ty
  3. 1. Realm: Fun 2. Player: Extremeshoot https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-3855496.html 3. Using a bugged wolf hunter pet with Axe Toss ability(https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=89766/axe-toss) in arena. 4. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]140725[/ATTACH] On the left you can see the healer stunned by it, on the right you can see Extremeshoot.
  4. I mean why not, its a FUN server after all.
  5. Ye thats the point. If you manage to get 1 character to full gear than the others should be easier and wouldnt require as much grind!
  6. I would really love too see that you would make a option on the website that allows you to transfer Conquest Points from one character to another. Because many people have 20k Conquest Points on their mains and there is nothing to do with them.
  7. Fortifying Brew shouldnt only increase your health for 20% but heal you for the amount it increased too! Pls fix it soon.
  8. Okey, i was playing 2s with my friend and we beat 2 random guys. They thought we were hackers so they reported us for no reason and my acc got banned. Can you pls check it out cause i think you made a mistake. Btw if we got banned for that random buff that my friend randomly obtained and couldnt remove cause it was bugged in the game then im just mind blown cause it wasnt our foult if the game is bugged.
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