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  1. ive logged since then, but you can see that under "count" on the screenshot, it was only 1 hit
  2. so a few people have called me a liar and bullshitter because i managed to hit 1.5m non-critical starfire, so this posts just to prove to the haters that i did infact hit 1.5m... http://imgur.com/SjZ2fd6
  3. just caught two level 10's with the icc ring on the x100 realm, cant spell their name as its in russian but i got screenshots [ATTACH=CONFIG]61015[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]61016[/ATTACH]
  4. i gifted the Naxxramas 40 Test God Sword to my other account to my warrior but it keeps saying i dont have room in my bag to loot it, ive got plenty of room, ive reloged several times and ive checked my bank and mail box for it. i cant get it so im writing for a refund or if you could somehow get it onto him, im not sure if its because he has one already and can only have 1 per char or not but i wanted to dual wield with it so i could twink my warrior.
  5. priest named Пикер caught flying on a crane(not a flying crane) x100 realm fly hack [ATTACH=CONFIG]54516[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]54517[/ATTACH]
  6. my account aodriver got banned for 30 days, the reason was in russian and translated to the use of bugs but i havnt used any bugs and if i have then ive no idea what they are, im kinda new to the server aswell so i dont know what bugs there are and all that, would be happy if my ban will be removed...
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