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  1. fully gear, has chicken and spectral tiger, donated mog etc, check the gear on site. offers PM me Thanks
  2. frooty

    Bleeds on war

    my dots tick at 60-70k with cds, i hit 90k tick on vidar
  3. Lf hunter for min price / in the 700's. full pvp gear, human hunter, main reason i want it so cheap is to renaem thnx
  4. when i rename pandawow_32.exe to wow.exe i cannot log in and says something i cant connect to battle net
  5. minimum
  6. no one wants warriors for that much
  7. need 5 teams rip
  8. WTS feral/resto druid full prideful both specs, some PVE gear, 20 titles, mounts 2k rating
  9. gladiatorlossa
  10. wow i support your cause Vidar to supporting those children in Russia
  11. frooty

    PvP power + pets

    still not updated?
  12. i dont even..
  13. Selling MW/WW Monk Name: Nkc Server: Pandawow fun with PVE gear 550 Ilevel with transmogs both WW and MW Check the site! Price: 800 Bonuses + Tax HAS 50 TITLES! AND DONATION MOUNTS 800 bonuses
  14. Name of Monk : (female nelf) = Rizesan Name of Rogue : ( female rogue) = Nessper, comes with crazy mogs (donated) Name of Shaman: Watchmeshock Name of DK: Gocho - not fully geared but min price pm me or post here thasnk
  15. damn u da real boss
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