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Kroz last won the day on July 17 2017

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  1. великолепная работа!
  2. Kroz


    I miss all the drama on this forum! ;)
  3. I reported this back in 2017. They still haven't fixed it yet. ;)
  4. Yeah, disabling it would be nice. It has been removed on retail! And for other maps, I guess that they are fine; at least not bugged. They are no longer what they used to be though.
  5. For the love of God, implement the script for this ship already!
  6. Time to get Juster back in charge! :appl:
  7. Ever since the server started and this ship is just broken. When are we gonna receive a script implementation for the ship? In 2030?
  8. On wowhead it says added in 6.0.1 but it's actually added in Pandaria database without allowing players to obtain it. Meaning? It is available to players. I just saw it today with a player in a bg (I guess he's a GM/mode) https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=112326/warforged-nightmare
  9. Although I am no longer playing here, I have to disagree. I am checking the status every now and then, and it is just the usual Pandawow numbers.
  10. #Teleport_and_Die :popcorn:
  11. Everything is under control as you can see. ;)
  12. UP UP UP UP UP UP This is still an issue!!!!
  13. This would be the correct section. Anyway, this map is full of bugs and it really need fixes ASAP.
  14. Also, how about some fixes to paladin and hunter stupid damage?
  15. Up Up Up Up!
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