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  1. Edit: https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=45314/igniter-rod (I gave the wrong WoWHead ID to the weapon I've mentioned in the last post sorry. This is the correct link- the one I've linked before is a Legion-version of the item.) https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=15088/wicked-leather-belt (Transmog -> Leather) Thank you! Added EDIT 2: https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=30870/cuffs-of-devastation (Transmog -> Cloth) Sorry, I am just on the point of making a GREAT transmog set. :D @Buka Added
  2. https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=65138/bracers-of-the-bronze-flight (Transmog -> Cloth) https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=156042/igniter-rod (Transmog -> Weapons) Please and thank you. :) Added
  3. Hello, beautiful staff! Could you please add these plate boots in the store? Thank you! https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=51360/wrathful-gladiators-greaves-of-salvation Added
  4. Thank you, hard-working developers! One of the main issues regarding my report has been solved. I've always known how serious you all were. The thread can be closed now! :)
  5. Since x100 is down, you could also solve this problem. ;)
  6. BUMP!! Sorry if bumping is not allowed. This prolem is still imminent and it is slowly ruining the twinks' PvP experience.
  7. 1. Warsong Hold guards vs Alliance players, Borean Tundra 2. Firstly, they shouldn't knock you around in the air. However, that isn't the main problem I have intended to address, but now (as of 5th May 2020), everytime a guard knocks you in the air, your mount flight is disabled). I should mention that the mount issue hasn't been an issue until now. I don't know what happened. 3. The Warsong Hold guards shouldn't knock you and, especially, disable your mount flight. 4. x100 5. 4/10 (I have a level 70 twink and I usually hang around there looking for people to confront me; there is a small twink community on this realm and Northrend PvP is pretty important for us) Proof: https://streamable.com/q20kdy
  8. Name: Bulwark of Smouldering Steel (hc) Transmog Items -> Weapons Link: https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=50616/bulwark-of-smouldering-steel Already added
  9. 1. Bases in Deepwind Gorge 2. Bases aren't supposed to disappear. lol 3. Some bases had just disappeared & returned later on in the game. (it isn't a visual glitch; my team mates had the same issue too) I don't know how the bases disappeared, they were just not there. (I have never seen this happening on the server) lol 4. Proof: https://imgur.com/a/GFg8VYk 5. Cross realm 6. 03/02/2019
  10. 1) Battleground Demolisher, Strand of the Ancient. 2) Those two places where Battleground Demolishes spawn are supposed to only spawn one tank each for the attackers' team . 3) The two places spawn multiple Battleground Demolishers everytime the two bases are captured (I believe) and you can still access them. Therefore, the defender team is in a huge drawback. 4) Proof: https://imgur.com/a/I3bPL8H [i can try and capture more screenshots if I can? One thing is sure is that you can still access & destroy them because I've done that] In the screenshots, I was part of the attackers' team and there was a destroyable tank and a friendly one. Last time, I stumbled upon three enemy tanks as a defender but I couldn't screenshot it. Furthermore, you can notice 3 same exact NPCs stacked on each other, proof that each NPC spawned one tank. 5) Cross realm 6) 28/01/2019
  11. Trinkets section Madness of the Betrayer link: https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=32505/madness-of-the-betrayer Added
  12. https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=244112 "During this promotion you will be able to restore your deleted characters for 1 coin." I've decided to restore one of the characters I had deleted before. Instead of being taken only 1 silver coin, I was taken 201 coins and I was wondering if I could get the 200 silver coins back since I was unaware of this problem.
  13. Transmogrify Items - Plate Specialization Leggings: https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=14980/exalted-legplates Waist: https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=14977/exalted-girdle Boots: https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=14978/exalted-sabatons Added
  14. ❄ ❅ ❆ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❄ ❅ ❆ To: Great Father Winter, Lapland From: Uggyuggs, Eversong Woods Dear Father Winter, My name is Uggyuggs, but people usually call me by the name Maja. You may have seen me writing this yellowish letter while you were flying in your sleigh. I was the night elf whose house was scarcely seen amongst the large bare branches of the tree situated in my rear garden. Do you remember it? At last, please have a seat on this rocker and enjoy the cookies I've prepared you. They're delectable, I assure you. I am 18 years old and this year has been an unbeatable challenge for me as I had no time for my "own self". But here I am- writing you a letter! I am a self-conscious person whose bubbly but fussy personality makes me a very likable individual for everyone. Also, I overdo things a lot as it is a result of my uncertainty. My past year on the server hasn't been such a big deal. I haven't had access on my personal computer since September and I was forced to use my laptop. However, I took advantage of this drawback by grinding on my main realm, which is the x100 one. By grinding, I mean collecting herbs, crafting high-quality leather products such as handbags, gloves, belts or masks, tailoring clinging dresses, boxy jackets and evening gowns and even gather blacksmithing materials in order to become the apprentice of the local blacksmith. Of course, these tiring activities wouldn't have been fun without my astounding best friend Raub. Together, we sailed across numerous blue seas, defeated plenty of creatures for our own needs and held hands through rough times. Having a friend to play with sheds light even in the darkest nights, doesn't it? Of course, this year wouldn't have been fun if I hadn't come up with a list of a few personal achievements I'm yet to take down. One of my biggest goal was to go to strength to strength on my shadow priest by doing arenas with my vigorous friend. I am not the greatest in these type of situations, but I made it through successfully. Consequently, I built a stronger friendship with Antonita, who is part of our entourage. It is very tough for everyone to be involved in a true friendship and I am really grateful to have found such friends. Surely, this achievement wouldn't have been successful without the numerous ridiculous failures I've personally come into as the result of my silliness. As he was hooked on arenas, I was usually endeavouring to obey his commands while also staying on task. Unfortunately, I had been failing several times. (accidently pressing binds before or after the arena started and then blame the cat for it, not changing glyphs, entering an arena as the wrong specialization and the list goes on) In the end, I made the ends meet and I got my third fully-geared character. Hooray! To be honest, I don't have any other essential achievements I'm proud of, rather than expanding my knowledge about this patch and actually learning the game's mechanics. By now, I haven’t completed my New Year’s resolutions list but, If I were to think, I would want to reinvent myself, become more self-reliant, travel abroad much more and go through the numerous tasks I put myself into on the server. (one of them is gearing more characters, as this is my hobby) To conclude, I don't really want anything for Christmas. As I am obligated to, so I would very much want some new boots for my druid as I don’t have any other pair and a Spectral Tiger mount for my friend Raub because I wouldn't have made it through this year on the server without his company and the same mount for Antonita. And, of course, I'd love to bless us with the unforgotten love and health I’ve been asking for every year. Sincerely, Uggyuggs. ❄ ❅ ❆❄ ❅ ❆ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❄ ❅ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❆ ❄ ❅ ❆
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