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  1. Sezuno, Monk (WW, BM) Price: 1100+%
  2. Name: Sezuno Spec/s: Windwalker (569, 550 in PvP), Brewmaster (556) Proffs: Leatherworking + Engineering Loads of transmog and titles In the shop atm for 1980 (total)[ATTACH=CONFIG]119468[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]119469[/ATTACH]
  3. Name: Gindi Race: Orc Inches: 9 Has both legendary cloaks, loads of titles, transmog, BS + JC For any info, post here. [ATTACH=CONFIG]119302[/ATTACH] - - - Updated - - - He's up in the shop.
  4. Unfortunantly, I do no have conq on this char. So I was hoping they could fix it.
  5. Name: Bareye Class: Druid Realm: x100 Description: I switched my character from a night elf to a troll and my leather prideful boots turned into mail shaman boots, results: Can not wear them Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]106742[/ATTACH]
  6. Name: Pinehead Race: Dwarf Gender: Male Spec: Elemental Gear: Full prideful + 8 gear pieces from SoO Tmog: Challenge mode transmog + a more in the bank Has Vicious skeletal warhorse + vicious war steed bound to him Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/eB9vf
  7. Name: Ttdhfbfd Realm: Fun Description: As soon as the battleground gates opened, our flag got captured. The next time it spawned, the same happened. When we grabbed the flag, he just disappeared off the map. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]106681[/ATTACH]
  8. Иллирах used this more than once, here's when he got banned for it last time :) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=169226
  9. Name: Lamottik, Goodelfiyka, Иллирах, Cobrahn, Xuenz Realm: x100 Description: The following people keep abusing the Siege Tank bug which allows them to shoot down friendly players, most commonly in orgrimar and in front of it. Proof: Lammottik and Goodelfiyka + proof of using it to damage friendly players: [ATTACH=CONFIG]105396[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]105397[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]105398[/ATTACH] Иллирах + proof of using it to damage friendly players: [ATTACH=CONFIG]105399[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]105400[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]105407[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]105408[/ATTACH] Cobrahn + proof of using it to damage friendly players : [ATTACH=CONFIG]105403[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]105404[/ATTACH] Xuenz : [ATTACH=CONFIG]105409[/ATTACH] Comment: I've already reported Иллирах one time for this and gotten him banned, so this just means that he keeps on abusing it. And I would like to add that disabling the Siege Tanks for use or fixing them should be done.
  10. Name: Иллирах Realm: x100 Description:Yesterday, I went away from my keyboard for around 1 minute only to find that I had been killed by a siege tank when I came back. Then I saw this player, but he dissapeared before I got to screenshot him. Today I found him doing the same thing again, almost killing me and most others in the auction house and finally got my screenshot. Proof:[ATTACH=CONFIG]104917[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]104918[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]104919[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]104920[/ATTACH]
  11. Name: Чидожраф Realm: x100 Description: The player continued to spam portals for around half an hour, and after being warned that I'd report him, he put me on Ignore and continued to spam portals. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]94106[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]94107[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]94108[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]94109[/ATTACH] Personal Comment: In all honesty, I would like for him to be receive judgement, simply because it crashed the WoW client of a friend of mine who has a weak computer, thus ruining his play experience. - - - Updated - - - Slight update, he's still doing it half an hour later.
  12. And on what terms, Mr. Gay should I be punished? I'd tell you a few things but I'd rather not start a flaming battle on the forums with the lights of you... *cough* pathetic *cough*
  13. Name : Waynelolmvp Realm : x100 Description of the violation : Agreed on a sale of the item "Sky Golem" , for 550k + any item of 50 bonus points. After the trade to make sure I'd give the golem, he logged off. Proof [ATTACH=CONFIG]82169[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82170[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82171[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82172[/ATTACH] Comment : All I would like is either for him to trade me back my golem, and I would give his 550k. Or to receive the item I asked for.
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