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Everything posted by skatewow

  1. Pet has demon spells :D
  2. Legendaries are useless tho and as you say easy to obtain, and hunter + Frostmourne doesn't rly make sense. Well,anyway if it doesn't get positive attention il take it off no harm in trying,thank you for constructive criticism :)
  3. Some people care if the char they are buying is above 2k rate, but some couldn't care less. Its the same with xmog, char name, titles,etc. The mounts that are listed are not easy to obtain unless you like the grindfest,except flametalon ofc. 1500 too much? Perhaps. But 600 bonuses or less is just silly :P
  4. No longer for sale, overpriced
  5. Until it gets fixed i suggest you use a macro like /cast Tailoring and such, works with survey as well. /cast Survey etc.. Hope this helps.
  6. skatewow

    Piercing Shots

    Well that may be so but, MM is still weak compared to Survival.
  7. If this gets fixed bgs will be 20% more fun ^^ Bump
  8. Changes on time period from 18.04.2015 to 21.04.2015: - Rewritten and again implemented checks for spells stacking.
  9. skatewow

    Psyfiend Bug

    With some classes you can't silence it.
  10. I would suggest Lake Kel'theril in Winterspring. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/e/ef/Lake_Kel%27Theril.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20061228230512 http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/moon-guard/images/2/2e/Lake_Kel%27theril.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/1024?cb=20140204202518 Nice big flat area. Make it a sanctuary,add teleporting npc, food/potion vendor. That would be sweet =D
  11. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=130008 Read under hunter - Now you cannot use spell Dismiss Pet after beginig combat on arena;
  12. nevermind
  13. You don't need BM. See http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=126460
  14. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=118675/crouching-tiger-hidden-chimaera 2. This talent has huge downside to it, a lot of bugs. 2a. When you deterrence , you cannot disengage , use health stone , masters call , feign death etc. See http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=126461 2b. Your deterrence is weak and has flaws See http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=123377 (this is due to the talent,not the spell itself so i made this thread ) http://i.imgur.com/G3KIE66.jpg - getting stunned while deterrence is up. 3. You should be able to use masters call, disengage , health stones while in deterrence These bugs do not appear when you are using Posthaste or Narrow Escape 4. Fun 5. 9th of April 2015. 6. 3/10
  15. Hunters rule the server once more. {Still water} the son of {Lynx Rush}
  16. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=126309/still-water 2. It will stack the crit buff when the aura is gained again (after flying / dismissing pet) http://i.imgur.com/BCrHaUd.jpg (the stacking, here i fly and go back down for the aura to reapply ) http://i.imgur.com/HnJ1wXQ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/maNGxgv.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xoHfi6M.jpg http://i.imgur.com/soeyuOJ.jpg the result http://i.imgur.com/r9809j0.jpg This aura works for melee and range crit so your bg team will have more crit if you dismiss pet during bg The bonus crit will be gone upon relog , but will stay after you are killed 3. It should take away crit bonus when the aura is gone 4. 9th of april 2015. (this bug started with the new update) 5. Fun 6. 10/10 Edit : This does not work with other pet auras (stamina , spell haste , stats ) Edit : Thanks to Zaw for helping me with this test :3
  17. What addons you use for UI?
  18. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=118675/crouching-tiger-hidden-chimaera 2. With this talent you cannot use Disengage while under the spell of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=19263/deterrence http://i.imgur.com/4DdiLNs.jpg " Can't use that ability while pacified" Error message 3. It should work like this with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=109215/posthaste http://i.imgur.com/RNH5bYB.jpg 4. 16of March 2015. 5. Fun 6. Less utility for hunter, 2/10
  19. skatewow


    1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=50859/glimmer 2. This npc is not classified as exotic so it can be tamed by non Beast Mastery hunters. Normal water strider http://i.imgur.com/SHTEpN4.jpg says (exotic) bottom right corner. Glimmer http://i.imgur.com/TvhHDKv.jpg http://i.imgur.com/E5AZOsz.jpg It will stay like a normal non-exotic beast but it wont be summoned via Stampede if you are using a different pet. 3. Exotic pets should be for BM hunters only. 4. 16th of march 2015. 5.Fun 6. Compared to the wolf pet it gives an extra 10% spell power and water walking 4/10
  20. 1. Jeanjean 2. Fun 12th of March 2015 3. Some kind of damage bug 4. Unstable Affliction 497723 (122446 overkill) http://i.imgur.com/1dTRIJ3.jpg Since the player from the combat log is a monk (monks don't have that spell ) i cannot be sure that he is abusing the bug or it happened randomly from http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122783/diffuse-magic or http://www.wowwiki.com/Glyph_of_Sparring.
  21. I think you can do a pet stay macro for it.
  22. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=81193/bans-explosives from http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=30773/pitching-in 2. This item will damage 33- 50 % hp of all targets within the radius. 2a. Killing hostile npc http://i.imgur.com/iOUV2a2.jpg http://i.imgur.com/dXcvNZs.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bWV809o.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0GQMyQu.jpg (also this enemy has no loots Q_Q ) It will always damage based on the targets hp , so more hp,more damage. 2b. Killing friendly npc http://i.imgur.com/r3lay6C.jpg Vereesa getting owned for 171mil 2 players with this item can kill friendly quest givers or fly masters You can also hurt yourself or your pet http://i.imgur.com/pFNqXCW.jpg :( 2c. Killing players http://i.imgur.com/6TQM15p.jpg This item does base health damage, that means it will deal 30-50% of the hp when the player is naked(with no gear or buffs) and it also does not ignore resilience so its like 60-70k and another 80 % decrease , so its useless on players. 3. It should not deal damage at all, should only trigger for the quest itself. 4. Fun 5. 6th of March 2015 6. It makes the Townlong steppes a walk in the park but it will disappear upon exiting the zone so like 4/10
  23. Go to the stable master put your pets in the stables and the one you are looking for is "hiding" behind the ones that at your "pocket stable". Its a common bug when you have 5 pets with you.
  24. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=86577/rod-of-ambershaping 2. You can use this item to cc the pets / guardians in bg's at 40yards instant cast for 10 or 8 seconds http://i.imgur.com/WqivVHK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/l51PtRK.jpg 3. It should not be usable on pvp targets. Only on NPC http://i.imgur.com/B05QP0c.jpg 4. Fun 5. March 3. 2015. 6. 2/10 it cant be used in arenas.
  25. skatewow

    Hunter pets npc

    1. Hunter pets NPC in capitals 2. The npc can give exotic pets to non - beast master hunters On the Pets page you can get a worm exotic pet http://i.imgur.com/83jV63n.jpg http://i.imgur.com/eFnnLJh.jpg Also can get other exotic pets by using bm talents , opening exotic pets window , switch back to mm or survival , click on the exotic pet of your choice and there you go http://i.imgur.com/MczYwcD.jpg The exploit is limited because you cannot use it after a loading screen the pet wont be able to be summoned. Minor bugs with this npc are that when you summon qulien it gives you a rhino, when you summon a monkey you get a beetle and when you summon a beetle you get a crane. Also there are no clefthoofs in MoP,exotic pet tab. 3. Exotic pets should not be for mm and survival hunter. 4. Fun 5. February 26.2015. 6. Limited exploit, 3/10 , also cannot be summoned after using a flying mount
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