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  1. Ok but this did not happen when i dueled other warriors and if it's not damage hack ( because it doesn't exist) that doesn't make it LESS of an EXPLOIT :)
  2. Name of the violator Undergroundq Realm, where you saw the violation. -FUN Realm Description of the violation : he used some sort of damage cheat resulting in hiting me 380k with colossus smash and 80-90k with atuoattacks and 114k with mastery procs on arms spec... :D on my full geared level 90 rogue . Proof: screenshots or video. http://imgur.com/lsy6Q2y Comments to the situation (if it needed). He uses some damage hack for sure, i have warrior fully geared that damage output is simply not possible. He myst use third party software ( cheats )
  3. i posted this days ago does pandawow still have any admins or what ? :D
  4. Player reported: Buzledred (Shaman) Realm: x100 realm Reason: Hacker. ( Use of third party programs for speedhacking + wallhacking- image taken on respawn point - point where u respawn is not accesible by any means on Twin Peaks- and he is shaman class.) Speedhack was visible aswell but at this photo u can see the wall hack in action he is on top of the spawn point where he can not get with normal means like charge and similar- not on this bg) You can also see his is flying on image. ( Hovering over ground while casting ) ss1: http://imgur.com/p6OhSm3 ss2: http://imgur.com/NmEIEPN second screenshot is for the clear view of name and realm in combat log.
  5. So here is the thing i had a death knight named EBONYKNIGHT, and before i took a big break from wow ( like more then 6months) i had it in shop if i remember corectly i also had undead mage named Puzzling in shop , both characters on x100 realm. now they are both missing and they still exist because when i type their names under "View character" option on website i can still find them. account name is mofinjo
  6. Character reported: Смей Realm: x100 Class: Warrior Reason: Abusing some invisibility hack or bug, as u can see on the video he has also dazed the mounted player next to me with piercing howl and we can not target him or attack him. i also switched to combat log during the video to see his name.you can also hear the sound of him charging me on the video but we can not see him at all, he did this all game to different ppl no1 could target him. Proof->Video:
  7. if it was from mulitiple bgs you should probably get SS from another bg.. i reflected 1.1 Milion dmg with deterance glyphed with my hunter to orb carrier, and i am NOT using hacks or cheats myself.. so i think this rogue is not a hacker either.. it's kotmogu and u probably carried the http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=121164
  8. player reported: Getrektsonqt realm: Pandawow x100 reason: Racism and obscene speech insults. Proof: SS1. (racism) http://i.imgur.com/t70GC2O.jpg?1 SS2.(Obscene speech) http://i.imgur.com/nb3eZru.jpg?1
  9. So i wanted to change from human to undead on my rogue named Dazzling, and i selected Race Change but i did not notice that there was "Faction change button" so is there any chance to get my bonuses refunded for the "Race change" because i want to do faction change and i made mistake i know it is my fault, but i am voting regulary and i don't want my bonuses wasted for nothing, or at least change my race to undead and take 50 more bonuses if it is possible please. P.S. i have not used the race change option the button is still there each time i log on my account. Meaning i havent changed the race or anything so i have not used up the service i was charged for. Pandawow x 100 realm.
  10. Well this is obviously a hacker.. 23 milion crit in pvp really ? and u claim you don't have hacks .. just lol :)
  11. Adding new misc item- Flag of ownership suggestion. So basically this is a pvp "Fun" item usuable in bgs and arenas on a player's corpse, it is a simple flag with thumbs down but pretty fun useage in pvp. Here is the link and i sincerely hope you could add it in the store under the "Misc" section. Link from wowhead: The Flag of Ownership Thanks upfront.And please add it in store !
  12. Player Reported: Geleni Realm: Pandawow x100 Reason: Bug abuse to attack while mounted ( Zen Flight ) Proof: Video* -->
  13. Useless hmm ok , i will let admins decide if it is useless or not. uploading the second video now to youtube will be up soon.
  14. 1. Player reported: Hotflash (HOTFLASH) 2.Reason: Speed hacking in battleground 3.Proof: (1)Video-> (2)Screenshot of clearer name ( he is from this guild my mage is in): http://i.imgur.com/fze2jsx.jpg?1 Requesting 30d. Video 2. the video 2 u can see him runing over 500yards in 2-3 sec on mini map too and u can see his name when i mouseover him.
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