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Everything posted by hawik

  1. I love mirai nikki its one of my most prefered animes, and this video is just too awesome! [spoiler=Video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK4an5sJCcQ Please use spoilers to not fill up the topic :3 -StarCaller
  2. There are hundreds of people that can't fix this error so please shut up.
  3. Me too happens on my horde warlock which is close to the pvp vendors
  4. Same here, please a gm respond. Edit: Happens in my horde warlock
  5. I will buy it
  6. I will buy you still selling?
  7. u still selling?
  8. Post here with price.
  9. I'm actually full griev with prideful gear, and with full trinket procs and weapon proc the max i've seen my bleeds tick has been 35k crit.
  10. I'm actually interested, but how many points?
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