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Everything posted by xkerem13x

  1. 1. Korupt 2. x100 3. the player korupt abused in the arena and was in front of us after the arena begins. his partner the mage is coming out atm. 4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]84989[/ATTACH]
  2. Name: Weegee Realm: x100 Description of the violation: The player Weegee abused in the shrine of seven stars the glitch on the picture. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]84259[/ATTACH]
  3. Name: Baifang Realm: x100 Description of the violation: The druide was at our door. First time he used typhoon, second time we was far away of him so he cant typhoon us and his friend the dk is coming out at the picture. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]83383[/ATTACH]
  4. Name: Russian name Realm: x100 Description of the violation: The warlock on the picture bug abused in bg the battle for gilneas. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]83250[/ATTACH]
  5. Name: Nevim, Olii, Rokuglad, Prohasko, Freemasons Realm: x100 Description of the violation: Nearly the whole horde at this bg bug abused in bg the battle of gilneas. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]83246[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]83247[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]83248[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]83249[/ATTACH]
  6. Es gibt wenig bugs, also es hält sich in Grenzen ?
  7. If do you want we can play together ? My name is Debronee and i am at ally side
  8. Ich finde ab level 20 brauchst du kein gutes gear. Am besten wär es wenn du ab lvl 85 bzw. 88 rüssi bei einigen Händler in Pandaria kaufst.
  9. Addons kannst du nur im Charakter Menü verwalten oder ingame mit einem addon. Eine deutsche Gilde gibt es auf der horde seite (x100) diese heißt Coffee Farmtrupp. ?
  10. Hallo an alle deutsche Spieler Die Gilde German Homefront rekrutiert deutshe Spieler. Wenn ihr Lust auf uns habt dann schreibt einen aus unserer Gilde an , diese würden euch einladen. Ihr seit bei uns Wilkommen. Wir helfen vielen Leuten die Hilfe brauchen. Wir machen wöchentlich raids und haben viele aktive Spieler. Wenn ihr Lust habt dann schreibt uns an ? MfG xkerem13x
  11. Sometimes its lagging at this server but after a few time its back to normal
  12. 1. Name of the violator : in screenshot (russian name) 2. Realm, where you saw the violation : x100 3. Description of the violation : bug abuse in orgrimmar, inside the wall 4. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]77004[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]77005[/ATTACH]
  13. 1) Kungopanda 2) x100 3) This player used speed hack in warsong gulch. After the begin he tooked the flag and captured it. My team were walking to their base and he captured. 4) [ATTACH=CONFIG]60047[/ATTACH]
  14. 1) Тыкет 2) x100 3) These player used fly and speed hack in the bg 4) [ATTACH=CONFIG]59291[/ATTACH]
  15. 1) Grifer, Zekc, Хорхи, Дэзиро, Drowward 2) x100 3) These players abused through the bg door but it was closed 4) [ATTACH=CONFIG]59287[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]59288[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]59289[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]59290[/ATTACH]
  16. 1)Dragolol 2)100x 3)glitched through the door because its closed [ATTACH=CONFIG]57056[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]57057[/ATTACH]
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