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Fadiii last won the day on June 15 2015

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  1. do you mean northrend. and you gotta be more specific. what herbs are you looking for? what orbs? frozen orbs? those can be found in ICC. where are you farming? be more specific or you won't get any answer.
  2. They purposely made it so that mounts like the primal raptors are only available in the item shop. Similar items like the primal egg also does not give the mount that it should, because the server is purposely making specific mounts exclusive to those who are willing to pay for it. It's the same with certain item drops. The mob exists and drops items, but does not drop the specific item just because it looks cool and the server will purposely make it exclusive to make money. How else do you expect the server to keep running? Exclusive items like these mounts are necessary to fuel the server. The item shop isn't a lazy way of fixing things. Sure, they take awhile to fix things, but the server hasn't stooped so low to force people to pay money because they can't be bothered with fixing a bug. It's been this way ever since the server first started up. Another example of this is the raid Firelands. They purposely made Ragnaros not drop it's loot so that the transmogs dropped by him are only available to those who want to pay for it.
  3. The item doesn't work as the mounts are sold individually for 250 bonuses each in the item shop. It will never ever work. Misc. items that drop mounts will not drop them in the server as most of the mounts are already in the item shop.
  4. *Update* Added a section about how to make bonuses without spending any money.
  5. I don't really see the problem with the cost of anything in the store. I've been playing without spending a single cent on this server, and I've geared about 10+ characters to ilvl 550. And I'm a casual player. I don't log in for 6hrs straight every single day. I've sold some of these characters and have a bunch of bonuses - all for free. These bonuses are only used for either convenience or vanity items. If you aren't willing to spend time to gear up, then just quit. If you're spending bonuses on the store to get items that can be earned in the game, why are you even playing on this server. The way you phrase it is basically a worse version of retail since you're using precious bonuses on things you can get in the game if you invest time into it. Ironically, this server is a lot better money-wise. But somehow you make it seem it's impossible to progress in the server without paying.
  6. Should be out by the next major update, which probably will be before August. I hope. But it's definitely out by this year. It was initially promised to be released by March/April, but has been pushed back alooot. Been waiting for it to be released so I have a reason to come back and play Pandawow.
  7. The mounts and companions are already being sold individually in the shop. The mounts costs 200 bonuses, whilst the companions cost 25 bonuses each. Miscellaneous items that provide mounts and companions WILL NOT be added to the store since majority of the mounts and companions are already being sold. If you're trying to get the achievements, they do not work since challenge mode isn't fixed yet. And may never will considering that they're selling the rewards from it in the item shop. (dont try to complain bout the prices too. they're fixed like that so Pandawow can keep the server running)
  8. hmm then I'm not too sure what the problem is. So far on all my characters, I always complete the entire questline before I log off/before a server restart. The server restart may have reset your progress so refrain from splitting quest chains onto different days.
  9. Ensure that your firewall isn't blocking it. Check your internet connection as well. If your internet isn't stable/fast enough, it won't connect. If all that fails, try using the proxy servers. EDIT: This can also be an issue with the english WTF file. Get the original russian one instead, then change the language in-game.
  10. You must have taken the quest related to the maelstorm. I got stuck there once on my druid but I had a teleport skill as all druids do. If your hearthstone doesn't work, you can get 2 of your friends to summon you using a summoning stone found at any raid entrance or get the help of a warlock. You can also get a mage to go to the maelstorm to create a portal for you.
  11. You've probably done the blue quests at the Arboretum. Those do not count towards the Riding the Skies questline that teach you Cloud Serpent Riding. You only have to do the quests that occur on the other island north of the Arboretum. Complete every quest there, then you will get an egg. After that, you can turn in the egg in the Riding the Skies quest. One of the quests will have you to kill the slitherscale mobs there (don't rmb the name) Second quest will have you collect serpent eggs. The eggs may not spawn in properly, so you will have to complete the quest after a server restart. Last quest should be auto-complete. Do all that, get the egg, fly back to the Arboretum and get your serpent.
  12. Ah sorry for not being specific. The tokens for PvE gear above ilvl 550 do not drop as of yet, since Siege of Ogrimmar isn't open yet, meaning PvP gear is the only gear you can use to do both PvP/PvE. Basically, PvE Gear = non-existent, can't be used for harder raids/PvP in general. PvP Gear = a MUST need if you want to do MoP raids, and obviously PvP. The lowest PvE gear you can get is Shadopan Assault items, with ilvl 522 I believe, or something along those lines. Those can be obtained after getting rep with Shadopan Assault and bought with Valor Points at Townlong Stepps. Once SoO is open, the gear obtained from that raid will be the highest tier gear you can get. Will update the guide with this since I accidentally left it to be very vague
  13. They're currently working on it at the moment. Give em some time to fix it. They posted that they're working on it here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=122468&page=2 "- Rewritten quest system for a blizzlike realization Warlock's questline The Codex of Xerrath, the beginning already done."
  14. If it doesn't work for you, it won't work for anyone else till it's fixed. Just bear with it till it gets fixed. This has happened multiple times before and by starting a forum thread about it, it won't do much, other than annoy the mods on the forums. They can't do anything about it since it's reliant on an external website which they do not have control over.
  15. it's possible that they had either tailoring/engineering then unlearned one of those, then learned JC. My character still has an Engineer enchant on the glove even though I've unlearned engineering, but the enchant is no longer usable. So it's not an exploit or anything. The enchant doesn't work the moment you unlearn the prof. It stays till you overwrite it with a new enchant.
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