Ah sorry for not being specific. The tokens for PvE gear above ilvl 550 do not drop as of yet, since Siege of Ogrimmar isn't open yet, meaning PvP gear is the only gear you can use to do both PvP/PvE.
Basically, PvE Gear = non-existent, can't be used for harder raids/PvP in general.
PvP Gear = a MUST need if you want to do MoP raids, and obviously PvP.
The lowest PvE gear you can get is Shadopan Assault items, with ilvl 522 I believe, or something along those lines. Those can be obtained after getting rep with Shadopan Assault and bought with Valor Points at Townlong Stepps. Once SoO is open, the gear obtained from that raid will be the highest tier gear you can get.
Will update the guide with this since I accidentally left it to be very vague