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Everything posted by Zhalifax

  1. Name: Goldbringer, Idontlikeyou, Flüffy Realm: Fun Violation: they left the gates before the arena started and got an unfair advantage of the game Proof: http://imgur.com/fajPHsk (sorry for censoring chat but i dont wish you to see personal things and you shouldnt decline it all because of that) Proof 2: http://imgur.com/taqWfjQ
  2. Name: Goldbringer, Idontlikeyou, Flüffy Realm: Fun Reason: they left the gates before the arena started - you're not supposed to leave the gates before the time runs out. Proof: http://imgur.com/oNd5X1n http://imgur.com/SX7OII4 http://imgur.com/QqbW0jy
  3. I accidently bought a dagger instead of a 1h sword on my mage and can't return it anymore, can you replace the dagger with a 1h sword pleaaaaaaaase? :d name: Zhamilli realm: Fun
  4. nevermind
  5. I bought full Pala t3 *Redemption gear* and i thought its the warrior t3 *dreadnaught*, any way that i can get the redemtpion gear replaced with dreadnaught D:? bought it on the 5.10.2014 *300 bonusses*acc name: Zhalifa69
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