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Everything posted by VLAD_DUMI

  1. You have to download the full client
  2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46675&langid=1 Go to this ling and downloat the first thing ( link/mirror). You will get a torrent starter and that will download you the full game. It will have only the ruRU and if you want it in english go here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=100226 And download the enUS files. Or enGB how you want. After this you have to change the config.exe from wtf (open with notepad) to enUS from ruRU. Then put the wod models in the enUS folder and rename them from ..../ruRU to ..../enUS. If you have any questions then ask me.
  3. I got this problem too.
  4. Last weekend everything was ok. Now i can't conect to the server at all. I tryed with the proxi server too but nothing. Please help !!!
  5. Nr. 2 is very good. I know that there are hacks for that but it's not fun.
  6. When you go in the black temple to the boss http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=22948/gurtogg-bloodboil the 4 bosses before Illidan come to you and u have to kill them. But then you can't go to illidan anymore. You should fix that please.
  7. Thanks Juster !!! You added him.
  8. Please answer !
  9. In the battle for mount hyjal should be a vendor named http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=23381/tydormu who changes tokens droped from tbc and bfmh. But he is missing on the Fun realm. Please fix this ! It was sugested from many other people but nowone said anithing.
  10. They forfot for 2 weeks too. I hpe the reset it tomorrow because i couldn't earn them this week cause of the time. :D
  11. What class are you, Frostsholz ?
  12. Dragon Soul, Firelands and Zul'Gurub ? AWESOME !!!
  13. Does the Season 15 Epic gear work ? When you got 2200 rating (or so something) you should change your prideful gear to an epic version. Dose it work ?
  14. You can't beat our power !!! Warriors are to strong !!!
  15. To EXPENSIVE !!! You have to vote 2,5 months !!! I'l never do that !
  16. Good ideea. You have to vote 2,5 months to get that transmog set. I repeat TRANSMOG SET. Or you can just add it with conquest points. Or valor points (but not to much).
  17. I allways start the quest chain by Elder Anli and it works. So ... I don't know what is wrong.
  18. You shuld take thy quest from Elder Anli http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=58564 and do all the quests. When it says to pic up an egg you have to get the green one because the other 2 are bugged (at least when i tryed). And after you are ready with all the quests go back to Elder Anli and take the quest riding the skies.
  19. Nice ... I am a private (or so something)
  20. The new models work. Thank you !!! P.S. Are you Lanstus the leader of Going to Jail from Fun, Alliance ?
  21. Thank you ! I didn't read everything.
  22. I downloaded the full client (torrent) and did everything. The wod model launcher starts but I don't see the new models ! What can I do ?

    PvP Tips!

    Is bladestorm broken ?
  24. You forgott ! Today is reseting !!! Please do it as quick as you can !
  25. I think number 4 is good. But only on Fun realm because the t6 vendor is also bugged. P.S. Challange Mode Gear !!!
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