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  1. Hello, so I was playing Isle of Conquest with my char Monkstomp, and basically what happened was that the bug which happens in serpent spine (the dc bug) happened. And now basically when I repair I get tp'ed out of the bg, but everything is impossible to do. Can't use spells etc, just walk around. And when I tried to suicide I got teleported into the ended bg again and can't ress. Thanks for reading this and hopefully it's manageable. Greetings Anktank
  2. That's from 2014 liobel. I've seen monks tp with the spell now so it should work.
  3. Hey, I've had this monk for a really long time. The problem is that my Transcendence doesn't work like it should, I've seen others are working now apparently they've fixed it. But only for the new monks on the server, if any1 could help me out with this problem and fix it for my character - Monkstomp. It would be awesome. Thank you // Anktank
  4. Hey, I've had this monk for a really long time. The problem is that my Transcendence doesn't work like it should, I've seen others are working now apparently they've fixed it. But only for the new monks on the server, if any1 could help me out with this problem and fix it for my character - Monkstomp. It would be awesome. Thank you // Anktank
  5. Hello guys, I was just walking and talking a little bit with some players when this kid appears and confesses for some reason that he's using hacks. Name: Edmus Realm: X100
  6. Hello, we won an arena really easily and well.. It says there's one guy left but we see the two bodies laying there lol... So we wont recieve any CP for this. It's bs.
  7. Hello my fellow WoW Gamers, I do have a problem with this server. And the problem is the cap reset day, why would you change such an awesome day as friday? When you can be "no lifing" the shit out of that day with coke and some fat food while capping with some friends? You really had to change the cap day to a day when you have work/school etc? Trust me, I'm not the only one who feels this way about this. Please do the right thing and switch the cap day to a day when you actually are not exhausted after coming home or you don't have to worry about studies or sitting up too late. I'm serious about this thread and I think that you really should consider to change the cap day. What difference would it make for you? But for us, it's a huge one.
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