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Everything posted by MatPowa
ye sorry is pandawow fun realm - - - Updated - - - i open same post in "other problem" i hope this problem have fast resolution thks
Mount disappearance 1-http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=54068/wooly-white-rhino 2- i learn this mount in bg after finish bg this mount is disappearance and i can't use this is bug Web or bg i do no ... 300 point lost ... 3- Re-inv this mount with mail box for bug 4- Since PandaWow Fun i think 5- Cross / World 6- 8/10 if possible i want this have fast resolution
1-http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=54068/wooly-white-rhino 2- i learn this mount in bg after finish bg this mount is disappearance and i can't use this is bug Web or bg i do no ... 300 point lost ... 3- Re-inv this mount with mail box for bug 4- Since PandaWow i think 5- Cross / World 6- 10/10
i have the same problem
tomorrow after 9.00 moscow work 100%
1. [Hellfire Fragment] can't take for bug 2. [Hellfire Fragment] can't loot him all stone can take but this say "impossible take this item" ( 2 item one zone = 1 item +bug = can't complete) 3. i think we need take gem with 2 spawn zone not only one 4. I have tested it on the 15/2/2015 5. On realm FUN but I've been told it's the same on x100 and I guess on x10 6. 10/10 if now have fix all this quest i want complete fast
Good morning :bye: I was wondering if you could give to all professions maximum recipe ... as tokens for example jw we farmarli in x10 prefer to have all the fun you can at least recipe?:sad: i w8 news and answers Good Game at All
need blog of changes only for warlock.... :facepalm:
ahahaha lol insane auto heal XD this is really fun server XD
Need changelog only for warlock....usless this server 1,5/3 spec are bug....-.-
true pet warlock is usless have damage reduction to not 60% but 80% void walker have crit to pvp 8k....-.- fix it plz
true is bug this grimorie 60% warlock is complete bug....20% = destro 20% aff work i think....
true not work this grimorie ...need relly fix it.... only spec work i think destro with talent and glyp :shock:
1. Name of the spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=6353/soul-fire + http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122351/******-core 2. Problem with the spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122351/******-core not reduction mana and cd cast...the max cast is 1.6sec cast with 22 stack to http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122351/******-core ( 1200% to cast spell and reduction mana)..and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=6353/soul-fire not have correct damage shadow bolt 40 k soul fire 40 k...:shock::shock: 3 How it suppose to work : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122351/******-core need really istant spell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=6353/soul-fire and mana reduction ...fix damage to http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=6353/soul-fire is really really low 3. Date of last test on the spell: 04/08/2015 5. Realm: Pandawow fun 6. Priority: 9/10.
Name of not working item : http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=92441/the-codex-of-xerrath 2. Description of the problem : Can't accept ALL quest Chain and not recognizes my class = no fix with last changelog 3.How it must work : Accept all Quest Chain and Auto-Complete http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=32295/an-unusual-tome (Start with this and follow all chain quest) 4.Date when you tested it = 1 week ago 5/7/2015 5.Realm = FUN REALM 6.Priority of the problem= i think 5/10 any warlock want green fire Fun server Thks and hope fix it more fast see you ;)
Same 5 day try to kill elitè for tome but nothing...fun server need really fix "warlock" demonology is complete bugged , tome is bugged...what is not bug (fun server) for warlock?:sad:
Name of the book: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=46809/bountiful-cookbook Problem with the book: i lear all recipe but when i change faction with my character all are lost and i can't craft for complete mission how can work : http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=46809/bountiful-cookbook#contains Last testing date: 22/09/2009 (official wow ) Realm: PandaWoW Fun priority: 9/10.
Hi guys i have a little problem anytime i log my character anytime wow crash and exit error #132 in the innkeeper strormwind if possible gm can trasfert my character in the other zone? - - - Updated - - - nothing i resolve the problem is addons enchantrix/atlas cause this fucking problem thks anyway
Good evening Panda wow 1- http://it.db.pandawow.me?achievement=5749/fiala-delle-sabbie / http://it.db.pandawow.me?item=37012 ( and other) 2- my problem is that my mount some are present in some characters and not others ... all these characters are all on the same server / account (fun server) and all my mounts are 90% [Account-wide] some I have no other with all the characters now show you exactly with these screenshots: [ATTACH=CONFIG]60344[/ATTACH] luceombra have this mount (fun server) (Account-wide) [ATTACH=CONFIG]60345[/ATTACH] armageddons not have this mount (fun server)(mount Account-wide) [ATTACH=CONFIG]60347[/ATTACH] luceombra not have drake mount (fun server)(mount Account-wide) [ATTACH=CONFIG]60348[/ATTACH] armageddons have mount drake (fun server)(mount Account-wide) 3- all character with same account have all mount with write [Account-wide] http://www.wowhead.com/forums&topic=203194/mounts-are-now-account-wide 4- 23/10/2014 5- FUN SERVER/100 X SERVER/X 5 6- priority = 8 I hope I have followed the guide to the bug tracker thks very much
good evening to all I bought it at auction http://it.db.pandawow.me?achievement=5749/fiala-of-sands and i lear with my alt character but relog When my main character is not present in the mount :(:(.... i hope my list is a bug ... i have other mount with only one character and not with all other fact is present (mount to global LEVEL account) can help to fix it? or is only my problem? (90 luceombra priest fun server) thks very much i w8 replies p.s = sorry for my bad Inglese .....
I today have change my character horde to ally but when relog i have all off set and weapon staff with problem 1- not change faction all off set 2- lost my staff season 15 arena (is not arrive with email) 3- not have off set priest shadow season 15 but season 14 my character now have name "luceombra" after when i'm horde is "lightshadows" plz Can help with fix ? thks very much P.s = sorry for my ban english.........-.-