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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. Hi sleeping panda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEF57sEeb3g Xdd
  2. First day i didn't logged in wow Xdd Here u have a random weird song:
  3. U are an aids spreading central point Xddd
  4. i think im done, idk what more i called him on wispers since i know him Xd
  5. Lefat Lebitx Lenab Lediack Lepene Lepenerino Lenub Lenoob Lenab Leblack Lenigga Lepene Lefato Leautist Lefaterino Lepenes¡te Lepenesiterino Lenuberino Lebitxerino Lenigarino Lenooberino Lenaberino Ledickerino Leaids Leaidserino Leputo Leputerino Lefrog Lefrogerino Leafk Leafkerino Leautist Leautisterino Lespastic Lespastikerino Ledown Ledownerino Lemonger Lemonguerino Lepinche Lepincherino Lepal Lepaladino Lefaping Lefaperino Lehub Lepornhubino Leann Lelisaann
  6. Señorpujo

    Divine Purpose

    jonte u hert mai filings
  7. so any better idea? :s like changing some items
  8. Señorpujo

    Divine Purpose

    nemifest said it not me lol, i just enjoy getting mogs
  9. ye i know.. - - - Updated - - - thats because im not there :v - - - Updated - - - wisp me in game when im online if u want we can go premade
  10. You mean the dk helm? http://i.imgur.com/ODn6rCe.png
  11. Main idea: http://imgur.com/a/szwuV Tell me if u like or how would u improve it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pS2YATfams Other changes: http://i.imgur.com/qmQpbng.png http://i.imgur.com/ujEOMwG.png http://i.imgur.com/3JfGUs2.png With a black belt: http://i.imgur.com/lk1TfJH.png Tell me how if u like or what would u improve - - - Updated - - - http://i.imgur.com/yvXfVBk.png http://i.imgur.com/InX4eQY.png http://i.imgur.com/VoofqP9.png
  12. Oke i'll try someday i love that shit http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=206441
  13. http://i.imgur.com/sUeS5ih.jpg This cancer players from x100.. then i ask myself what kind of cunts play x100 lol
  14. costs 330 bonuses, the other 130, i bought the yellow one is kinda cool also - - - Updated - - - for tmog? or what are u talking about art work?
  15. dude, u are so angry with everyone, go watch some porn
  16. brujo pujo = lock pujo pujo ends like brujo, thats all - - - Updated - - - costs 330 bonus, fuck it i go for the 3rd (130 bonus)
  17. and for the red set? even if i think i should get the 3rd ye
  18. thats what more dmg does in area bitx, people just forget to use it idk why
  19. y i noticed xd - - - Updated - - - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=206383 check this
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