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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. 1. Anti-Magic Shell 2. How it works: Surrounds the Death Knight in an Anti-Magic Shell for 5 sec, absorbing 75% of all magical damage and preventing application of harmful magical effects. Damage absorbed generates Runic Power. 3. How it works on PandaWoW: when i use it, in 1 magic attack it brokes, don't matter the dmg of the spell, the shield lasts 1 second if you recieve any magic dmg (see the photo, 19k of shield and brokes on 1 second: 19:44:00, 10:44:01) 4. Tested on : 09/02/2015 5. Priority 10/10 Death Knights vs magic dmg have no defense without Anti-magic shell (with my lock and other classes with shields, the shields broke so fast also). proof: http://prntscr.com/632y5g, http://prntscr.com/6332gz the translate is: 19:44:00>Vendoestedk Anti-magic shell used by Vendoestedk. (19162 remaining) 19:44:01>Vendoestedk loosed Anti-magic shield. (2221 remaining)---> i don't know why say 2221 remaining wtf
  2. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48707/anti-magic-shell 2. How it works: Surrounds the Death Knight in an Anti-Magic Shell for 5 sec, absorbing 75% of all magical damage and preventing application of harmful magical effects. Damage absorbed generates Runic Power. 3. How it works on PandaWoW: when i use it, in 1 magic attack it brokes, don't matter the dmg of the spell, the shield lasts 1 second if you recieve any magic dmg (see the photo, 19k of shield and brokes on 1 second: 19:44:00, 10:44:01) 4. Tested on : 09/02/2015 5. Priority 10/10 Death Knights vs magic dmg have no defense without Anti-magic shell (with my lock and other classes with shields, the shields broke so fast also). proof: http://prntscr.com/632y5g, http://prntscr.com/6332gz the translate is: 19:44:00>Vendoestedk Anti-magic shell used by Vendoestedk. (19162 remaining) 19:44:01>Vendoestedk loosed Anti-magic shield. (2221 remaining)---> i don't know why say 2221 remaining wtf
  3. the problem is that the fuking shield brokes instantly after 1 fuking magic dmg hit, says that 500k of shield ok but really is just a 50k magic dmg blocked if i use it during a magic burst, it brokes after 1 second :/
  4. name: Bonexalpha realm: fun cause: multiboxer proof: http://prntscr.com/625bnj http://prntscr.com/625bsn http://prntscr.com/625c3e http://prntscr.com/625c8f http://prntscr.com/625cix http://prntscr.com/625ct3
  5. Tested on the FUN server Spell name: http://es.db.pandawow.me?spell=5171/hacer-picadillo How it is bugged: the skill gives 75% of speed attack. How it should work: as the tooltip says, it should give 40% speed attack Priority: 10/10 this shit make rogue dmg insane during burst proof: http://prntscr.com/6249et
  6. name: Restrodru Realm: fun Cause: use http://es.db.pandawow.me?spell=78675/rayo-solar being in heal specialitation... or abusing simbiosis or abusing bug. proofs: http://prntscr.com/623z2r, http://prntscr.com/6243lp
  7. ye sure a pala can put 1 flag in 1s, see the fotos if u see a rogue is kiling me, just when he kill me the pala have delivered the flag instantly and see the clock under the map 19:19 during flag reset and 19:19 when the flag appears, 19:19 when bg finish: and he is the only horde who delivered the 3 flags, are you sure that he can take a flag, go to his base, and at the same moment be in our base waiting for flag reset, and deliver the last flag again, all in 1 min being pala?? i don't think he can
  8. name: Palabeazt Realm: fun Cause: get 3 flags in less than 1 min with fly/speed hack proof: http://prntscr.com/61ufnw (in minute 19:19 he put the second flag on his base(horde base), and when our flag(in ali base) is still waiting to respawn he is in our base instantly waiting for our flag again and at the end of bg at 19:19 he also bringed another flag to his base, 2 flags in 1 min, imposible.) http://prntscr.com/61ud1z http://prntscr.com/61ud7o (he is the only horde who had delivered the 3 flags, so it's impossible to be in our base till our flag is not reset if he has just delivered ali flag on horde base.
  9. name: Alienqt realm: fun cause: be inside a wall/insite textures with the flag proofs: http://prntscr.com/61pj0y http://prntscr.com/61pj67 http://prntscr.com/61pjb2 *sorry for english: "inside"*
  10. LOL i've never fuking used any hack, i was playing bgs and suddenly bam, disconect, i go on control panel and banned 30 days for idk.... i want to fking know why i've been banned wtf
  11. My account have benn banned 30 days for no reason with no report on phoro and no proofs. i claim for the reason and the proofs. If this server bann for nothing, u must look for some changes....
  12. I've been banned for idk and there is no post on forum reporting me and saying banned.... so i want to know why and the proofs.
  13. name: Fátil realm: fun cause: hitting trought textures proof: http://prntscr.com/61119c
  14. name: Mladkatapro Realm: fun Cause: insults toward players proof: http://prntscr.com/60zzon
  15. Name of violator: Topdream Realm: Fun Description of violation: just see the picture, insults toward players Proof: http://prntscr.com/5uc46e
  16. Why all pve trinkets didn't work? they only give or the pasive stats or the stats during 20 or 10s but not the rest of the other effects like rising a stat climbing for each 0,5s (gives 0 of the stats), or increasing 8%all critic damage, mstery, or haste, (none of this rise) etc.
  17. ... its a mac and it works perfect in all, yesterday and the rest of days i played wow, this only happens since today idk why, and the computer has 1 year only lel
  18. (this problem with slow fps, which didn't happened before)
  19. When i log in game all goes so slow or stays stopped, my internet works perfect in all but not in game since today after solved the problem of loggings (game stays stopped or get lags of 30s or more all time the problem is not on my internet all my computer works well using internet except Wow since this morning), why? how can i solve this problem? I have reset the router and the computer and still only wow goes with mounts of lags or stopped during a lot of time.
  20. Since today, after the imposibility of logg-in, im having so much lags like 10s per lag or more, i can't do anything because game is stopping all time, but my fps and ms are the same as always and i always had no problems with lagging so wtf is happening in the server with lags since today? lags like i can't moove during 10 or 15s and then 2s normal and again and again long lags -_-, even the game screen stay paralizised during 30s some times.
  21. You can buy it on store dude, you can find it on: Control panel, (select kingdom), Item shop, Transmog sets, Weapons, page 13 (the last). Name: Naxxramas 40 Test God Sword: item: 40480 lvl: 80 Price: 40
  22. 1.Now since two days before of this post, if a dk use Lichborne(dk talent), Dead coil can't be used to heal himself, it says the same like if you where using it to yourself without Lichborne effect... THATS TERRIBLE BUG!! dk is useles now, pls fix that because its very important to dks. If u don't believe me try to heal yourself with dead coils during Lichborne effect and u will verify it. 2. 26/10/2014. 3. Fun realm (idk if that happens in all realms). 4. Important to fix!! (One question, does really GMs read this posts?)
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