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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. i won't show my face to people who i don't know, because of privacity, but i can show something about im glad: http://prntscr.com/aoindo , http://prntscr.com/aoiug2 , http://prntscr.com/aoirrl ^^ off-topic with swag - - - Updated - - - i won the fight xd
  2. Señorpujo


    Foro español
  3. u just show alot of ignorance and childish, btw spain is not mexico..
  4. and what if its nigger lol, don't be a fuking racist. - - - Updated - - - both u and reptich are ugly as fuck and suck dicks, now stop discriminating each other - - - Updated - - -
  5. Amm no? i never did over 75k deathcoil in arena, i do 100k death coils in pve in open world with pve trinket..
  6. when u face 4 warriors premade on bg: http://www.vayagif.com/272371/los-peligros-de-ser-el-camara-de-un-videoclip-de-raperos
  7. Why so much lag in cross realm these days??
  8. 2/10 hey daugh, pass me the dope xd wait for the drop :v
  9. ponen un 0/10 - 10/10 a la canción anterior y luego postean una nueva para ke otro la puntue y ponga luego otra, para ke otro la puntue, nose ke haces tu xd "General spanish section"
  10. -10/10 gayin bieber el 10 es de esta cancion o de la anterior?, porke creo ke no entiendes ke hacen aki xd ptah
  11. 0/10, kid comment As i said, used to like time ago
  12. 1 tick for Unholy DK = (166+(42658* 0.158))*1.6 = ~11049 We have now = 11048 (nope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWkNtHRbpsM 9k with full strengh gems) 1 tick for Frost DK = (166+(33185*0.158))*1.34 = ~7248 We have now = 7264 (nope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWkNtHRbpsM 6k with full strengh gems)
  13. Can this get fix? or its dificult to fix?
  14. 23-25k 530ilvl dk, 19-20k 550ilvl dk in pandawow, there is something called ilvl diference, if the dk on the video was 550 ilvl i wouldn't care for 2k sometimes, but the think is that he is doing 2k-4k more dots having like 100k less hp and less set, that's the point on the post
  15. "This ability is meant to bring back some of the old flavor from when death knights could dispel heal-over-time (HoT) effects. It also gives the class a bit more PvP utility without simply replicating a [Mortal Strike]-style effect, and is extremely effective against healers." , "Healers playing against death knights should be particularly aware of Necrotic Strike, whether on themselves or their allies. One of the main dangers of the ability is that healers will leave healing until the last minute; with Necrotic Strike debuffs in place this can spell disaster. The best answer to this is probably to be vigilant when facing DKs" - http://wow.gamepedia.com/Necrotic_Strike Then all of this is totally false, and no one should play dk in MoP expansion because u say blizzard make it unbalanced?
  16. Since necrotic strike got nerfed as fuck, dk become useles class with 0 preasure towards any tipe of heal class, or dps spec with heals. (necrotic mechanic in pandawow was balancing the low dmg dealed by dks and the bugged heals from almost all classes) "This ability is meant to bring back some of the old flavor from when death knights could dispel heal-over-time (HoT) effects. It also gives the class a bit more PvP utility without simply replicating a [Mortal Strike]-style effect, and is extremely effective against healers." , "Healers playing against death knights should be particularly aware of Necrotic Strike, whether on themselves or their allies. One of the main dangers of the ability is that healers will leave healing until the last minute; with Necrotic Strike debuffs in place this can spell disaster. The best answer to this is probably to be vigilant when facing DKs" - http://wow.gamepedia.com/Necrotic_Strike (In pandawow is 0 anoying, when u aplly 1 necro on a heal, before 1 second pass he cleaned the effect) The first problem is that a spell that it should be a powerful spell vs heals, its useless as fuck in pandawow. The second problem is that dk should be a powerful hero class, and its more like a useles class in all his specs in pandawow now. Almost no one plays dk now (i just see people getting gear) because is useles as fuck compared to the other classes, dk should be one of the best heal counters, and its a shit on preasure now (both absorb and damage) vs heals, even dps specs can clean necrotics so ez and hold his low damage. If u check top 100 on 2c2, there are just 3 dks.. Fix the bugged heals that almost all classes have or increase dk damage or something, but let dk how its now is like delete 1 class from wow, i repeat that dk should be a hero class, that means that he should counter/win any classes just playing good, now its more like a useles class that can't do any tipe preasure on heals or dps specs with big heals. I want to say that this is the first server i saw nerfing 1 class till make it shit in all his specs. In other words, making a pvp hero class become a shitty class. Idc if u wil fix it because its obviously that most of the people on this server (even some gms) want dk to be useles (how its now). PD: this topic will probably get full of Ratix comments, i won't write/read more here.
  17. "This ability is meant to bring back some of the old flavor from when death knights could dispel heal-over-time (HoT) effects. It also gives the class a bit more PvP utility without simply replicating a [Mortal Strike]-style effect, and is extremely effective against healers." , "Healers playing against death knights should be particularly aware of Necrotic Strike, whether on themselves or their allies. One of the main dangers of the ability is that healers will leave healing until the last minute; with Necrotic Strike debuffs in place this can spell disaster. The best answer to this is probably to be vigilant when facing DKs" - http://wow.gamepedia.com/Necrotic_Strike (In pandawow is 0 anoying, when u aplly 1 necro on a heal, before 1 second pass he cleaned the effect) The first problem is that a spell that should be a powerful spell vs heals, its useless as fuck in pandawow. The second problem is that dk should be a powerful hero class, and its more like a useles class in all his specs in pandawow now. Almost no one plays dk now (i just see people getting gear) because is useles as fuck compared to all the other classes, dk should be one of the best heal counters, and its a shit on preasure now, even dps specs can clean necrotics so ez and hold his low damage. If u check top 100 on 2c2, there are just 3 dks..
  18. Dks in general are nerfed.. DK should be powerful hero class, in pandawow is pussy class..
  19. it restores but i get out of mana all time if i attack continue for example like vs a pve boss or a long test, the thing is that destro should not care about mana at all with that pasive and its so anoying to not be able to cast incinerate because out of nama.
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