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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. same bug with warlock 10% stamina and spell power buff and any other stamina buff, you just lose 10% spell power when someone buff stamina.ç It was alot better when any buff stacked, was alot more fun for bg
  2. ?¿?¿? i didn't even read anything sicnce my last post wtf u talking about, since the first time u tried to justify the existence of god i stoped reading u, its just retarded what u argue, 0 logic, full of magical thinking like a kid..
  3. http://z0r.de/2924 http://z0r.de/2899 free epilepsia
  4. http://z0r.de/2964 beatboxing!!
  5. http://z0r.de/2973 Arnold answer for me to all this post
  6. Already told u, there is something called science. But u are free to believe on Santa Claus in god mode, u and everyone thats why the world is a shit, cuz everyone who believe in any religion is like a big kid believing in a magic world. Anyway i don't care, i already asumed the retarded way to see the world we living in of the religious people. - - - Updated - - - Thats why humanity is going so bad in this planet, the major part of the population is retarded, don't have any studies/knowledge about how the world works (fisics and energy) and believe in a magical world like kids do. You are free to believe in something invented by humans to explain what they can't if it fulls u.
  7. Yes, exist because something have to be able to make all the shit, no matter what, all the universe is made by a human god and for the humans, we are the center of all!!! (sarcasm) First we where the center and the sun sorrounded our planet, and god made all for us, now just the god ideas are present, cuz was proved that the earth turns arround the sun, because humanity use to create ridiculous gods and magical theories to put a reason in all when there is no reason cuz all is about %. Oh yea thats what im talking about, loving this magical and stupid way to understand the world we are living in :')
  8. Oh yes, a divinity with a human form and human language and human brain, and human appearence made the universe thinking just in humans and making all for the humans, because we, the humans, know that what happend exactly by saying there is a super Santa claus that made all for us, because all is about humans, right? All is chaos man, we are living cuz chaos get random bullshit on a this planet we living in, and because this planet had the fuking luck to stay in a specific average of temperature that alowed some particules to interact between them and create live. I study psichology, there are some rules to determinate causality of things and taking the relation with racionality: the 1rst rule is the antecedence, the cause must be before the effect. the 2nd rule is that the cause have to covariate with the effect. the 3rd rule is the capacity, the cause have to be able to provoque the effect. If u just use 1 of these rules u get on a fallacy, that means a creence about causality that is totally wrong. All the religions base his arguments on the 3rd rule, they create stupid theories that, for who explains with this point of view, use just the 3rd rule (he fall in fallacy and he take wrong causality). The emergence of myths and rituals in all cultures is related to the need to establish causality on certain events, generating explanations for the 3rd rule (capacity rule). The cause (god) is able to do the effect (the world/universe), but about the other 2 rules they don't take a shit, they just say: "God is able to do it" and they stay happy like retards, thats the problem, no one know what the fuck is the universe appart of a fuking big space of fisical particules and energy randomly and chaotical distribuited all along the universe, how the fuck u want to know what is the universe?? Yes u can create retarded theories about gods and shit to get the 3rd rule done, but u will never know a shit about what is the universe because u are part of this chaotic shit that we call universe, the only i understand is that there is a suposed infinite space plenty of fisical particules and energy and if some conditions are done live can appear, we are all formed by particules of diferend kind of elements that interact between them and afortunatelly we got the right combination in this planet, first because of the ideal temperature average, and 2nd because of the necessary elements that where in this planet to interact and make live. There is no point on believe that Santa claus make all because he is human and all is about humans and for humans, we are the center of all ;) Stop argueing like kids saying: "if god don't exist, who made the universe?" first of all, we as humans can't know this shit randomly, 2nd if u really think we are special u are wrong, we just a fuking retard living specie more in our planet, who knows if in all the universe there are other planets with the similar temperature and elements conditions that get toghether in this planet and made developement of life possible. I think we should care about what we can know and fix the bugs that we have in our planet called Earth, before trying to explain bullshit that don't and won't affect us never. I have my ideas clear, you? - - - Updated - - - BTW this offtopic has gone épical.
  9. Not everything true, but alot. The rest is because humanity in general is fuking retarded.
  10. Is one of the mainly reasons of conflicts between people. And also the mainly reason of ignorance on people.
  11. Anyway, everyone is free to believe in a magic world. - - - Updated - - - Israel is the same kind of shit religions, and cristianism, i mentioned terrorism as an example of conflicts that are originated by religion diferences. Wars and kills that have origin in religion diferences have been since religion exist, not just now.. Medieval wars for example, in the name of the cristianism alot of people where killed also. "The Crusades where warlike expeditions done by Christians in Western Europe, between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, to recover from the Turks the holy places where Jesus lived." That shit is what i mean, before was X, now is Y. And always will be something to kill/fight for, in the name of religion.
  12. "they follow a religion because of it's teachings and the lifestyle that they try to encourage." is always about divine punishments. No matter what religion u take, there are always souls and shits like that. Religions are good in the way they make people follow some "rules" but just a litle part are good, the major part of rules are fuking retarded, like muslims fuking machism and domination towards woman, as an example. Also there are more retarded things like the wars in the name of their respectives gods, alot of deaths because yes.. - - - Updated - - - "Every terrorist is a Muslim, so that means every Muslim is a terrorist as well?" Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims in the times we are living, they believe that if they explote for the cause they will fuck all day and all night in the heaven with his 40 virgins.
  13. Yes, because they keep the kid way to understand things, believe by believe, u remember being a kid when u don't ask why or how about the things people tell u? Santa Claus is a perfect example, kids just believe that because his fathers talk about santa, the kid just believe and have the idea of Santa Claus as a real idea. When u grow up, theorically ur way to understand the world change, more racional, focusing on your enviroment, asking why and trying to know what and how, not just believe cuz someone said there is a god watching u, and if u don't act well u will go to hell. if u don't act well u will go to hell = if u don't act well u won't get any presents from Santa Claus.. Believe it because yes like a kid or use ur fuking brain. Stop with the magical way to understand the world, the work is fuking fisical, no magical, its totally retarded? yes. But u can't say that because of respect, yes i respect that some people still think that the world is magic.. Its retarded cuz this religions make diferent countries attack each other, killing for the religion, i am ur enemy cuz ur religion is diferent that mine but both are magical, so people are killing between them for nothing, just because they have diferent magical ways to explain the world, without religions the world will have alot less problems and reasons to attack/hate/kill each others.
  14. Maybe he don't have any religion.. I don't have any btw, also the fact of believing in any religion is the same that kids do believing in phanthoms or in Santa Claus etc, just stupid unbased creences that kids do, and alot of adults sadly... and thats one of the reasons why the world is a shit, because humanity is retarded. But everybody is free to keep the child way to understand the world by believing in any religion.
  15. Ok, i find a way to do it and its visual, tested here with screenshots: Aguante = Stamina = health points (the HP don't increase by adding the 2nd socket gem, so its visual) http://prntscr.com/bcbrqa (320 pericia/expertise as 2nd gem on bracer, 36335p of stamina http://prntscr.com/bcbrh7 (adding the 240 aguante/stamina gem on bracer) http://prntscr.com/bcbqxi 240 stamina gem added in 2nd bracer socket, nothing changed on stamina (still 36335) So, no need to ban for that seems.
  16. but what about here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=177293&highlight=bracer+socket
  17. http://z0r.de/5361 don't open if you are fotosensitive
  18. u can't, and if u do u will get banned from forum or ur post will be deleted, like when someone complain about licher, he just bann ur account and delete all the posts, but he can't delete a youtube video like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YklsQUPYzU4
  19. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=177293&highlight=bracer+socket This 2nd socket in bracer is doable? (update) Answer: No, its visual as nemifest said in the declined post. Tested here:
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