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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. http://prntscr.com/bep40b
  2. Силенышь teleport hack realm fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hei9y5rPvM
  3. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=183464 gg dude, i already told you that its visual when u asked me about this in game..
  4. Proff me that unicorns don't exist (same argument), this argument you say its bullshit, i can argue that with anithing that don't exist to argue that exist lol
  5. because u just blind as fuck with your unicorns believing haha, i raped all your arguments and all know it
  6. hay un npc donde transfigurar ke si tienes alguna legendaria ese sirve
  7. See, i just rekt u, u lost the only argument u had haha
  8. I just oneshoted your idea of god so ez lol ahahaha You ask for facts to proff but religious are the first ones with 0 facts, and why? because u can't proff something that is in your brain..
  9. i believe in unicorns, no proff that don't exist, so they exist. Really? god and any bullshit magic like that is in your brain fuking cunts lol
  10. Proff me that unicorns don't exist, your comment is bullshit lol You have to proff that exist but no one can cuz your god is just a stupid idea made by humans to explain the facts they just didn't understand in the past, its so simple.. Why was raining? because gods.. what was the Sun? a god.. When someone die what happens? he go with god.. who made life? god.. and etc etc etc stupid questions that all except the universe has been answered logically by science, you just believe in ignorants bullshit.. you all are ridicously stupid. All is explicated by science except about the universe origin and even there are good reserches and theories about the timeline, all about god creating the life in earth is bullshit as i already showed.. Even more, when u say proff me that don't exist, u asuming there are 0 valid premises to accept the existance of a human god able to do all and that don't do nothing, all is arround retardness lol You all who believe in a gods believe in something that is just inside your fuking brain, all the biblie alcoran and shitty books of religions are full of already contrasted bullshit that is already showed by the science that is fuking wrong. How the fuck u can pretend to believe that all the universe turn arround humans and that even Gods are fuking humans that thing as humans, you all just fuking braindead..
  11. your chilhood got http://z0r.de/7394
  12. me either, the discusion is so dumb. All can be resumed like this: God don't exist, its a concept created by humans to explan something when they don't know the answer, its the easy way to explain everithing, making alot of unvalid/ilogical arguments. Science proved origin of live and alot of things that religions where suporting, the only mistery is the origin of universe, there are some theories but its kinda imposibble for humans to study some facts from the universe, cuz its not ez to make studies outsite there, but we don't even know if there is a origin or if the universe has been like that always. To make valid arguments u need testing and facts, any argument without that is invalid, so gods and anything magic like that is totally an invalid argument that don't holds anywhere. People can choose between being realistic or to believe in a magic world. END. http://z0r.de/3068
  13. i wish science get how universe start (there are already some theories), because if this day comes u will lose your only dumbass reason to believe in god, oh wait, there is no reason to believe in it, just do it because yes, fuck logic and science lets make magic theories all time, and lets do invalid arguments trying to hold the idea of god which has his origin on human.. http://z0r.de/1025
  14. So, u telling me that the only "argument" for u to believe in got is that u don't know about the origin of universe, so u just explain it creating the idea of god, and chill no? You don't know something? don't worry, just say that its because of god and you will have free explanations for all what u don't know :) (its sad)
  15. http://z0r.de/3162 this guy lost all his arena rating because of cross realm, he got mad :c
  16. My personal opinion, why u want to explain something that u can't explain/know because is out of your knowledge range, with the idea of a god, which is an idea that came from humans imagination?? its just stupid lol If you can't know something, try to know it, if u still can't know it, just try to explain what is in your knowledge range. I don't see the point on creating useles magical ideas trying to full the empty space of ignorance..
  17. I have alot on a folder, i just link it when i think it matches with a situation
  18. http://z0r.de/3153 - - - Updated - - - Im writing each part and i go uploading.. i don't even read what someone answer till i finish posting lol - - - Updated - - - nothing more to say, u argue is so stupid lol - - - Updated - - - Religion 3,2k rating guide: Invent the idea of god Explain all by this idea no matter what Don't proff anithing, just believe it like kids believe in Santa claus when they are told about it. Be happy living in the ignorance without know anithing about the world that sorround u. Ignore science evidences/explanations.
  19. ..... Man wtf is your question What are stones?, what are trees? what is ALL? For anything we see/discover in the world, we just make categories when we see similar caracteristics, we add a name to talk about that and thats all lol - - - Updated - - - Oh yes i forgot, when we don't know something we just can aply the "God made it" rule, useful for anything we don't know/understand, we just apply a imaginative idea of someone that made it and we chill, so happy all right?
  20. http://z0r.de/6708 juster would be the guy with the red tie :'D
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